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Home / Toronto / News / Video recipe: Stuffed Smoked Salmon Terrine

Video recipe: Stuffed Smoked Salmon Terrine


Smoked Salmon Terrine Recipe by Chef Stephan Schulz — This is a decadent dish that is great to serve as a start to a meal or as an hors d’oeuvre. Smoked salmon wrapped around a cream cheese, mayonnaise, mango, diced salmon terrine and fresh dill filling and chilled…oh so delicious and easy to make. Enjoy!

TOtimes Recipe by Chef Stephen Schulz

Video by Frank Greco, TGTV


Chef Stephan Schulz works across Canada with corporations and with food brokers developing recipes for major restaurants and restaurant chains across Canada. Follow Chef Schulz on instagram for his daily recipe and plated photo posts: https://www.instagram.com/chef_schulz

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