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Can the Stanley Cup return to Canada after Three Decades?


The three decades that the Stanley Cup has given Canadian teams in the National Hockey League (NHL) the slip, have left Canadian hockey enthusiasts and bettors wondering whether the dry spell is a curse or just a run of bad luck. 

As most hockey fans know, the Montreal Canadiens were the last Canadian team to win the Stanley Cup in 1993, after defeating the Los Angeles Kings. Since then, the journey to claim back the Cup has been characterized by disappointment and shattered dreams for both Canadian hockey teams and their fans.

The beginning of each NHL season sees enthusiasts wondering if it could be the season the Stanley Cup finds its way back to its founding home.

The Stanley Cup, photo by Alex Goykhman – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, wikicommons

What are the Odds of a Canadian Team Winning the Stanley Cup This Season?

A lot of factors surround the chances of a Canadian team raising the country’s flag high by bringing the Stanley Cup back home. Individual team performance, player injuries, competitor strength, and the outcomes of the playoffs are all contributing factors to be considered. 

The odds of winning the Stanley Cup this season are not static, but change throughout the NHL season as teams win and lose games. At the time of writing, the Edmonton Oilers are the Canadian team with the highest chance of bringing home the trophy, with odds of around 11/1 according to most of the best sports betting apps in Canada. In fact, they’re roughly equally favoured along with the Avalanche, Rangers, Bruins, and Golden Knights, so 2024 could well be the year the Stanley Cup comes back to Canada. The Maple Leafs are also quite well-favoured among the bookies, with slightly higher odds of around 12/1 on average.

Edmonton Oilers 1983-84 Stanley Cup winners engraving, photo by Scorpion0422 – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, wikicommons

Teams and Fans Frustration Running High

Since Canada considers itself the nation where hockey originated, it is only natural for both Canadian hockey teams and their fans to be frustrated by being deprived of the chance to celebrate a Stanley Cup win in over three decades. This is more like a punch in the face since the Stanley Cup is originally from Canada and was named after Lord Stanley of Preston. European and American hockey players have continued to dominate the hockey scene over the years, making it more difficult for Canadian players to show their prowess. Were it not for the Canadian fans’ unwavering support, Canadian hockey might have taken a turn for the worse ages ago.

Turning the Tables

Of the 34 teams making up the NHL, only seven are Canadian. These numbers make winning the Stanley Cup seem bleak for the Canadian teams. In the past three decades, many teams have come so close to getting the Cup, only to be eliminated before doing so. Although all efforts to win the championship have proved to be futile for the past thirty years, player drive never diminished as they continue to show and nurture their hockey talent. Everyone hopes that the next generation of players will bring the Cup home, thus bringing an end to the prolonged championship drought.

For Canadian sports enthusiasts, hockey is more than just a sporting event as proven by the unwavering support given to the hockey teams despite the lack of celebratory chances. The possibility of the Stanley Cup gracing Canadian soil again after thirty years is strongly dependent on Canadian NHL teams’ performance and success. It is a fact that each game’s outcome is not certain, but the players and their fans are always hopeful, and the dream of hoisting the Cup is always a source of optimism and excitement.

As the NHL season progresses, the question on each Canadian hockey enthusiast’s mind is ‘Can Canada take back its hockey fame and see the Stanley Cup raised on home ground once again?’ Only time will tell.

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