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COVID-19 status in Canada: Record high rise in Ontario cases of COVID-19, 51 test positive in Toronto


TORONTO, ON., March 30, 2020 – As of 10:30 am Ontario has hugely jumped from yesterday’s record number of 211 cases to today’s record high of 351 cases, bringing Ontario’s total to 1706 cases of COVID-19 including deaths and recoveries. Today Ontario submitted 4,000 tests and expects to increase that testing number as the days go on.

Dr. Eileen de Villa, Toronto Medical Officer of Health

Toronto Public Health now has 591 cases of COVID-19. On Sunday they had had 540 total cases up from 512 cases on Saturday. And as of today, Toronto’s number has gone up by 51 new cases according to Dr. Eileen de Villa Toronto’s Chief Medical Officer of Health. Of the 591 cases in Toronto, there have been 6 deaths.

Regarding the two most recent deaths, Dr. de Villa said, “I have also unfortunately been notified of 2 recent deaths related to COVID-19 in Toronto: A man in his 70s was admitted to Scarborough Hospital last week and sadly died yesterday. A man in his 80s was admitted to St. Michael’s Hospital also last week and passed away last night. I extend my sincerest condolences to the family and friends of these two men who passed away.”

Most recently 12 medical practitioners, 13 nurses and 8 Toronto Public Health staff members have also been diagnosed with positive cases of COVID-19.

Greater Toronto Area public health units account for 61.4% of COVID019 cases according to Public Health Ontario.

Keep in mind that these numbers are not static. The daily summary from Ontario public health is based on data reported by the 34 public health units across Ontario and recorded in the province’s integrated Public Health Information System (iPHIS). Data for each day’s summary is pulled from iPHIS at 4:00 p.m. the previous day.

Currently, 169 of these Ontario cases are people who are hospitalized and there are 62 in ICU and there have been 30 deaths (including the recent announcement about the 7 plus previous 2 deaths at a long-term care facility in Bobcaygeon).

The report from Ontario Public Health also says that 50.2 percent of cases are male, 2.5% are 19 and under, 77.4 % are between the ages of 20 – 64, and 20.1% are over the age of 65.

COVID-19 cases in Canada

In Canada there are 6,320 cases. Of the COVID-19 cases reported in Canada to date, approximately half (51%) are male. Approximately one third (29%) of cases are 60 years old and over (Figure 3).

Sixty-one people have died of COVID-19 to date in Canada.

Symptoms and severity

Commonly reported symptoms among reported cases include: cough (79%), chills (55%), and headaches (56%).

Based on case reports received to date, 278 cases have been hospitalized, including 84 in intensive care.

Probable exposure setting

At this time, 65% of all COVID-19 cases were related to community transmission, while 35% were either exposed while travelling or exposed to a traveller returning to Canada (Figure 4).

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