Heavy rain hits Toronto Thursday giving way to this year’s warmest weekend so far
Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer urges residents to ‘Stay at Task’ this beautiful weekend
According to The Weather Network, the GTA is in for a bout of rain on Thursday. Widespread showers will continue throughout Thursday into Friday morning with 20-30 mm for most of southern Ontario, including the GTA, and 40-60 mm for areas north of Georgian Bay.
But Friday things will clear up and the weekend is is shaping up to be the warmest one yet this year.
But although Friday could see temperatures reaching as high as 13 degrees celsius, Saturday up to 15 and Sunday could get as warm as 21, Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer, David Williams urges residents to be smart and plan ahead to in order to comply with physical distancing measures and curb the spread of COVID-19.
“I’m not discouraging people from going outdoors… but do that in areas where you can seek to maintain your physical distance,” said Dr. Williams.
He advises that people who want to enjoy the warm weather, plan their activities in areas that are less populated. And he also said that the time of day is important when considering when to go out. The planning is important he said “rather than on a whim.”
“If you go to a walking path that is fully packed, there is no way you are going to maintain physical distancing, said Dr. Williams. It all makes total sense to go to less popular areas.
When asked about cottagers champing at the bit to get out to their retreats, Williams said it is preferred that they don’t and if they must, Williams said they should not stay for an extended period of time and should also bring their own supplies to avoid putting straining the resources of local grocery outlets.
Ontario’s associate chief medical officer of health, Dr Barbara Yaffe backed up Williams, saying that “the health care system may not be equipped to deal with the number of people who come. They are concerned that there would be demands put on the local health care that may not be able to be met.”
Yaffe also said there are concerns about people coming from the GTA, where there are far more cases of COVID-19 and there are also cases that “may have an asymptotic infection” and then the virus becomes exposed “to a community where they haven’t had very much infection,” she said.
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