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How you can best prepare before going to university in Toronto


It is finally happening. After years of hard work, revising, exams, papers, and all things in between, you are ready to go it alone and head out to university. It is a very exciting time, but there is no doubt that you are swimming into unchartered waters here. As a new university student, you may be wondering about what the best ways that you can prepare for attending a university in Toronto, and what are the steps you can take to ensure the minute you step through that door, you are ready to go? Well, if that’s the case, then look no further, as here we will discuss the best ways that you can prepare for going to university in Toronto.

University of Toronto

Reach out to the university and familiarise yourself with it

Are you anxious about starting? That’s completely natural as most of us feel some form of trepidation surrounding what we don’t really know, and the university experience is something you are not yet familiar with. As such, you should reach out to the university and speak to members of the team. If you don’t live too far away, you could even pop down for a visit to get to meet some of the people who will be teaching you. All of this is going to make you feel much more at ease before you actually start your course and put pen to paper.

Prepare methods of unwinding

Those first few months at university can be stressful as you find yourself overcome with things to learn, papers to read, and people you need to befriend. There is no getting away from the fact that this can be stressful from time to time, and as such, you should consider before you go the different ways that you are going to be able to unwind. Some popular methods include:

  • Having a night to yourself – Simply by staying in your room and enjoying your own company, you will find some of that stress simply leaves your body.
  • Gaming – There are a lot of different games out there, and as such, there is something for everyone. Many are becoming more and more excited to play mobile casinos, so this could be one to consider.
  • Light reading – You will be reading a lot as part of your studies, so you don’t want to throw yourself into something too heavy on your time off, but a bit of light reading can help you to de-stress.

Buy the right clothing

Are you moving over from somewhere warm? The change in climate is going to be a big shock to you if that’s the case, as the average winter weather in Toronto is usually around -4.6. As such, you are going to want to make sure that you have the right clothing before you go there. You’re not going to want to leave the house if you don’t have the right protection from the cold, and this could then subsequently impact your learning. Not to mention, you could even make yourself sick, and again, this will impact your university studies.

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