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Mayor Tory declares Safe City Day in Toronto


At Toronto city hall Mayor John Tory will be joined by Gord McEachen, Acting Chief of Toronto Paramedic Services, and Deputy Mayor Michael Thompson (Councillor Ward 21 Scarborough Centre) on Monday for the declaration of February 24 as Safe City Day in Toronto. Safe City Day promotes awareness of the importance of the public knowing how to perform CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) and how to use life-saving AEDs (automated external defibrillators. February is Heart Month in Canada. 

Paramedics will demonstrate for Mayor Tory and members of the public how to perform CPR and how to use an AED. 

Toronto Paramedic Services is the largest municipal Paramedic Service in Canada. It provides 24-hour pre-hospital emergency and non-emergency care and transportation to and between hospitals for ill or injured individuals, and also offers public education programs to promote rapid and appropriate use of emergency medical resources in time of need.

Toronto Paramedic Services responds to more than 2,000 cardiac arrest calls annually. It is possible that additional lives could be saved if more bystanders were able to start CPR and use AEDs before paramedics arrive on scene. 

The first six instructor graduates of the community-based You Are the Strongest Link initiative will receive their certifications and will participate in the demonstration of CPR and AED procedures. 

Established in 2019 in partnership with Enbridge Inc., ‘You Are the Strongest Link‘ is a Toronto Paramedic Services initiative that seeks to provide employment and leadership skills to youth and socio-economically challenged citizens. This initiative, which is conducted in conjunction with City of Toronto community programs, offers free first aid, CPR and AED training to residents of priority neighbourhoods. 

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