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New regulations among Ontario online casinos


The Ontario government has imposed new regulations on online gambling websites in an effort to protect gamblers. iGaming Ontario, the subsidiary of the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO), shouldered the responsibility for regulating the new market.

The AGCO released the final iGaming sports and event betting regulatory standards, which include some changes from its initial draft document earlier this year. Some of the most significant ones include a ban on autoplay and regulating gaming ads. But all regulations aimed to safeguard players and ensure that online casinos are protected by a secure license before they are allowed to operate within Canada’s largest province.

Ontario Government Imposes Regulations on Online Gambling Websites

The Ontario government has recently regulated online gambling websites with new regulations. The new rules are intended to secure gamblers and ensure that they are not susceptible to fraud, addiction, or harm. They will also help prevent underage gambling.

Ontario has been working with other provinces and territories in Canada to create fair, simple, and safe rules for all Canadians who wish to play at Ontario online casinos.

As per the new regulations, online casinos must be licensed by a regulatory authority while incorporating appropriate security measures in place. Also, they must educate their customers about responsible gaming while being unable to offer free games of chance (such as free bingo games) under the new laws.

Ban on Autoplay

Under new regulations, autoplay won’t be allowed at Ontario online casinos, with the exception of casino-on-the-move games like slots. The reason for this is that autoplay has been shown to be a form of gambling addiction, and it can cause other problems like losing more money than necessary.

To prevent players from engaging in autoplay at their own risk, there are regulations in place that prohibit online casinos from providing the feature. Along with protecting against underage gambling (where players may have access to credit cards), these new regulations also work toward eliminating a form of addiction that could result in further financial difficulties for those who use it regularly or excessively.

Players’ Net Position in Canadian Dollars Rather Than in Credits

The new regulations are going to affect how the casinos display their player’s net position. With these new rules, players should be able to see their net position at all times – in every game they play. And the best part is players should be able to see their net position in Canadian dollars at all times – on every game they play.

This would mean that if you are playing slot machine games like Cleopatra Slots (or any other slots game), your current balance will be shown above the slot machine itself so you can easily track how much money you have won or lost during each session of play without having to open another window or tab on your computer screen. We think this change makes things simpler for every party involved.

Ability to Set Limits on Their Deposits

As per the new rules, players would have the ability to set limits on the amount of money and time they spend at an online casino.

The ability to set deposit limits is a significant step forward towards player protection, as it enables players who are having a problem with their gambling behavior to have better control over their spending habits.

This will go a long way towards helping people who may be facing issues with compulsive gambling because they don’t have access to help from agencies outside of Ontario.

Ads Must Also Not Exploit the Vulnerabilities

Another new rule is that gambling ads must not take advantage of the susceptibilities, aspirations, and lack of knowledge of potentially high-risk players.

The regulations define a potentially high-risk player as someone who has been diagnosed with an impulse control disorder like pathological gambling or who has exhibited signs of problem gambling behavior (such as spending more time in casinos than he planned). It also includes anyone who has experienced negative consequences from his/her gaming activity.

Information About the Potential Harm of Gambling and Options Like Self-Exclusion

New regulations compelled operators to provide players with helpful information about the potential harm of gambling and options such as self-exclusion. Additionally, they must provide players with the freedom of setting deposit limits, time limits on their play, wagering limits—and other parameters that would help them control their spending.

Online casinos will be required to have a “self-exclusion” system that enables players to limit themselves from gambling for a set period of time or indefinitely. The Ontario government has mandated that the self-exclusion program be available at all times during which an operator is open for business. 

Wrapping Up

The new regulations are expected to have a positive impact on the online gambling market in Ontario. The new regulations will ensure that players are able to enjoy fair treatment and a better user experience in online casinos.

The new changes are designed to incorporate enhanced identity verification, limits on deposits, limits on withdrawals, self-exclusion, and many more things to protect individuals from exploitation.

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