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Home / Arts / Ontario highway exit sign name changed to ‘Jon Snow Parkway’

Ontario highway exit sign name changed to ‘Jon Snow Parkway’


If you’re a fan of Game Of Thrones, you probably would have loved to be driving on the Highway 401 in Milton, Ontario on July 28, 2017. Those travelling on the eastbound lanes of the highway on Friday morning saw the name of the ‘James Snow Parkway’ exit sign changed to the ‘Jon Snow Parkway.’

A spokeswoman for Ontario’s Ministry of Transportation says the sign was vandalized sometime early in the morning.

The sign was back to normal by about 11:45 a.m. Friday and provincial police, who were notified about the incident, will continue to monitor the area.

News of the sign’s name change made a lot of people excited.

Did you catch a glimpse of the name change?

By: Nazaneen Baqizada

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