Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will answer questions from kids about COVID-19 via CBC Kids
On Sunday, CBC Kids will be speaking to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Dr. Theresa Tam, Canada’s chief public health officer, about the novel coronavirus.
CBC Kids along with the Prime Minister gave Canadian kids the opportunity to ask questions about the coronavirus in a video call that takes place Saturday, but we will then published on Sunday morning at 9 a.m. ET.
The CBC sent the questions to them in advance following the Friday 6pm deadline.
Kids were asked through their website to send in their question as a photo, video or email. they also had to include their name, age and hometown. They were to ask a question and email it along with a photo or video to
On Sunday the 10 submissions that were chosen by CBC will be answered on their website.
A week ago Prime Minister Trudeau, at his press conference at Rideau Cottage said a “special thanks to all you kids.” He said, “Thank you for helping your parents work from home, for sacrificing your usual day, for doing math class around the kitchen table, and for trusting in science. “
He concluded the address by saying “We are going to have more to say to you soon, so stay tuned.”
So now he is giving Canadian children the opportunity to ask any questions they may have as they may be worried “about what’s going on out there in the world and what their future may hold” as the country battles the COVID-19 pandemic.