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Simple Tips for Making Your Office Energy-Efficient


Energy consumption is a major concern for most businesses, considering the significant amounts of power used in many operations. The bigger the business, the more energy it will use, making energy-efficiency a financial and environmental concern for growing companies. 

Improving the energy-efficiency of your office is an excellent way to reduce potential expenses. Some useful tips that can be used to reduce energy consumption include: 

Improving Heating and Cooling Functions 

Heating and cooling systems contribute to a major portion of an office’s energy expenditure. Implementing energy-efficient devices in the building can greatly reduce the amount of energy needed to control environmental elements. Best Electric Radiators offer radiators that allow you to control the heating easily using a Wi-Fi application. 

You can use remote access applications to turn off devices in empty rooms or reduce thermostat levels after hours. By reducing temperature levels by a few degrees when no one is in the office, you can save a great deal of energy in the long run. 

Air conditioners can also be replaced by simpler alternatives that use less energy like ceiling fans. Maintaining the HVAC, including regularly changing its air filter, ensures that the system doesn’t expend additional energy as performance levels drop. 

Encouraging Responsible Use of Lighting  

Various studies list lighting as the leading energy consumer of most office spaces. Reducing the amount of electricity used with lighting can have a major impact on your business’ operating expenses. 

One of the more common bad habits in many offices is leaving the lights on even when they are not needed. If your office receives efficient natural light from its windows during the day, it’s vital to ensure the lights are off during this period. Employees should also train themselves in the habit of switching off the lights whenever they leave an empty room. 

Installing motion sensors connected to your office lighting system is a great way of automating the process. Motion sensors are activated whenever a person walks into a room, automatically turning on the lights. 

If no movement is sensed for a period of time (e.g. five minutes), the system automatically switches off the light again. Using energy-efficient options like LED lights over halogen alternatives should also be considered when making changes to the system. 

Upgrade Office Appliances and Devices 

Energy-efficient options are available in almost every appliance market due to the rising awareness of global warming. An office’s lights, heating and computers are not the only causes of energy expenditure, with equipment including printers, copiers, and the like also playing a leading role. Offices with kitchens can also include appliances like coffee makers and refrigerators to the list. 

Buying energy-efficient devices for different parts of the office can lower the overall levels expended in the long run. Energy-efficient devices can be easily recognized by using an energy guide label, or the presence of an energy star logo. The latter is given to appliances that are significantly energy-efficient and is issued by the US Department of Energy. 

Implementing all Energy Saving Features on Devices 

Buying energy-efficient devices will not be of much use if you don’t take advantage of the features that come with them. Many modern computers and laptops come with a hibernation feature that allows the device to temporarily shut down its functions when it hasn’t been in use for a while. The hibernation feature can also be implemented by the IT department at the end of the day. 

Energy-saving features on office appliances are not hard to find. The features can usually be activated with the simple press of a button or the one-time adjustment of a particular setting. Creating awareness about the energy-efficient options available when operating office machinery can ensure that people regularly implement them. 

You can spread awareness through the use of clear instruction labels next to the devices. The administration department can also send periodical memos regarding the importance of conserving energy to workers from time to time. 

Migrating to Soft Copy Documents 

A great way to save energy is by using office appliances only when absolutely necessary. Documents that can be sent via email instead of hardcopy should only maintain a softcopy format. A good way to guide employees is by stating that the employees should only use copiers and printers in cases where documents require physical signatures or have to be sent in hardcopy to an external entity.

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