Statement by the Prime Minister on Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day

OTTAWA, ON, June 24, 2020 /CNW/ – The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on Saint–Jean–Baptiste Day:
“Today, we join Francophones across the country to celebrate Saint–Jean–Baptiste Day, an opportunity to recognize how Francophones have helped build Canada into the diverse and inclusive country we know today.
“From Girouxville, Alberta, to Chute-à-Blondeau, Ontario, Francophone and Acadian communities will today celebrate their language and traditions. They have stood together for centuries, and this continues today. This enduring solidarity is evident in the ‘ça va bien aller’ – everything will be all right – slogan that has helped bring us together since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Outside Quebec, Francophones in minority situations maintain the vibrancy of the French language and culture. Our government has always been – and will continue to be – an ally. We stepped up to help the Université de l’Ontario français become a reality, because we know that this institution will make an important contribution to the education of young Francophones in the years to come.
“The presence of Francophones in every province and territory is a reminder to all Canadians of the rightful place of the French language in this country. It is also a reminder that French will always be at the heart of Canada’s past, present and future.
“On behalf of the Government of Canada, I extend my best wishes to all Francophones and Francophiles celebrating Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day.”
This document is also available at
SOURCE Prime Minister’s Office
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