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The benefits of online Hobbies: Why Canadian consumers are embracing digital leisure activities


Online hobbies refer to leisure activities that people engage in through the internet or other digital platforms. These activities can range from gaming and virtual fitness classes to online music lessons and virtual cooking classes. With the advancements in technology, people have more opportunities to engage in various online hobbies and connect with others who share similar interests.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on people’s lives worldwide, leading to the closure of businesses, schools, and recreational facilities. As a result, many individuals have turned to online hobbies as a way to cope with the stress and isolation caused by the pandemic. Online hobbies have provided a way for people to stay engaged, active, and connected with others from the comfort of their own homes.

The purpose of this paper is to examine the benefits of online hobbies and why Canadian consumers are embracing digital leisure activities. Specifically, the paper will look at the popular online hobbies in Canada, the advantages of online hobbies, and the challenges that come with them. By understanding the benefits and challenges of online hobbies, individuals can make informed decisions about their leisure activities and how they spend their time. Moreover, this paper aims to encourage more research in the field to better understand the impact of online hobbies on people’s well-being and social connectedness.

Online hobbies in Canada

According to a survey conducted by the Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA), 70% of Canadian internet users engaged in online hobbies during the pandemic. Of those users, 66% said they would continue their online hobbies even after the pandemic ends. Furthermore, 63% of Canadians said that online hobbies have helped them cope with the pandemic’s impact on their mental health.

Gaming is one of the most popular online hobbies in Canada, with 61% of Canadian internet users playing video games. With the rise of online multiplayer games, gamers can connect with others from around the world and engage in cooperative or competitive gameplay.

Virtual fitness classes have become increasingly popular in Canada, with many fitness studios and gyms offering online classes during the pandemic. These classes allow individuals to stay active and healthy from the safety of their homes, with the added benefit of being able to join classes from anywhere in the world.

Cooking classes have also gone digital in Canada, with many chefs and culinary experts offering online classes and tutorials. These classes provide individuals with the opportunity to learn new recipes and cooking techniques from the comfort of their own kitchens.

Many music teachers in Canada have transitioned to online lessons, offering students the opportunity to learn new instruments or improve their skills remotely. Online music lessons allow for greater flexibility in scheduling and can be more cost-effective than in-person lessons.

There are several advantages to engaging in online hobbies in Canada, including:

  • Convenience: Online hobbies can be done from anywhere with an internet connection, allowing individuals to participate in their favorite activities from the comfort of their own homes.
  • Accessibility: Online hobbies are often more accessible to individuals with disabilities or those who live in remote areas where access to in-person activities may be limited.
  • Cost-effective: Online hobbies can be more affordable than in-person activities, as there are no transportation or equipment costs involved.
  • Wide range of options: The internet provides individuals with access to a wide range of hobbies and activities, allowing them to explore new interests and try new things.
  • Social benefits: Online hobbies can provide individuals with opportunities to connect with others who share similar interests, fostering social connectedness and reducing feelings of isolation.

Benefits of online hobbies

One of the most significant advantages of online hobbies is their convenience. People can participate in their favorite activities from the comfort of their homes, at any time they choose. This is particularly beneficial for those who may have busy schedules or live in remote areas where in-person activities may be limited. Online hobbies are also more accessible to individuals with disabilities or those who have mobility issues. With online hobbies, individuals can participate in activities that may not be available to them in person due to physical limitations. This accessibility is especially important during the pandemic, as many in-person activities have been canceled or limited due to social distancing measures.

Engaging in online hobbies can be more cost-effective than participating in in-person activities. For example, online fitness classes, music lessons, and cooking classes are often less expensive than their in-person counterparts. Canadians can enjoy playing Canadian slots for real money online, which can be more affordable than visiting a physical casino. The internet offers Canadians a wide range of hobbies and activities to choose from, providing opportunities to explore new interests and try new things. Canadians can find online communities that share similar interests and participate in activities that may not be available in their local communities.

Online hobbies also offer social benefits. Individuals can connect with others who share similar interests from all over the world, fostering a sense of community and reducing feelings of isolation. This is particularly important during the pandemic, where social distancing measures have limited opportunities for social interaction.

Overall, online hobbies provide Canadians with many benefits, including convenience, accessibility, affordability, a wide range of options, and social benefits. With the continuing growth of the digital world, it is expected that online hobbies will become increasingly popular and widespread.

Challenges of online hobbies

While online hobbies offer many benefits, there are also some challenges that Canadians may face when engaging in these activities, including:

Engaging in online hobbies requires a stable internet connection and adequate technology. Technical issues such as slow internet speeds or malfunctioning devices can disrupt the experience and impact enjoyment. Additionally, not all Canadians may have access to reliable internet or the necessary devices, limiting their ability to engage in online hobbies.

Unlike in-person activities, online hobbies can limit social interaction and personal connections. While online communities offer a sense of connection, it may not be the same as the social interactions experienced during in-person activities. For example, playing Canadian slots for real money online may lack the social aspect of visiting a physical casino and engaging with other players.

Many online hobbies, such as gaming or watching online content, involve a sedentary lifestyle that lacks physical activity. This can lead to health concerns, such as weight gain and decreased fitness levels. While some online hobbies, such as virtual fitness classes, offer opportunities for physical activity, it may not be enough to replace the activity level provided by in-person activities.

Engaging in online hobbies can lead to increased screen time, which can negatively impact physical and mental health. Excessive screen time has been linked to eye strain, headaches, and disrupted sleep patterns. It can also lead to decreased physical activity and increased sedentary behavior.

Despite these challenges, online hobbies offer many benefits that outweigh the challenges. To address these challenges, Canadians can take steps to balance their screen time, engage in physical activity, and seek out opportunities for social interaction to enhance their online hobby experiences.


The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly impacted the way Canadians engage in leisure activities. With restrictions on in-person activities and gatherings, many Canadians have turned to online hobbies as a way to stay entertained and connected. Online hobbies offer many benefits, including convenience, accessibility, affordability, a wide range of options, and social benefits. However, they also present some challenges, such as technical issues, limited social interaction, and lack of physical activity.

As the digital world continues to evolve, online hobbies are likely to become increasingly popular and widespread. It is important for Canadians to balance their screen time and engage in physical activity to maintain their physical and mental well-being. While online hobbies cannot fully replace the benefits of in-person activities, they offer a valuable and convenient alternative that can enhance leisure experiences.

Overall, online hobbies have become an essential aspect of Canadian leisure activities during the pandemic and are expected to continue to be a popular option in the future. As technology advances and more Canadians gain access to reliable internet and devices, the opportunities for online hobbies are likely to grow, providing even more options and benefits for Canadians to enjoy.

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