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The future of smartphones in 2022


Technological advancements mean that smartphones are always evolving, and 2022 will not be different. Recent releases of smartphones from leading companies such as Motorola, OnePlus, Google and Asus, among others, show that these devices will get more powerful, intelligent and smarter in 2022.

Recent releases show that the main focus for new smartphones will be more supportive of 5G technologies, new software, modes, improved camera sensors and high refresh rates. New phones in 2022 will be more intelligent thanks to AI (artificial intelligence), machine learning, and accessibility. This means the smartphones will be more helpful, assisting you with your daily activities such as working, communicating and even playing your favourite live casino games at legit and trusted casinos such as comeon.com.

Manufacturers will focus more on Artificial intelligence and machine learning

Android and iOS phones use AI and machine learning to improve capabilities and user experience. For example, when your smartphone is on Night Mode, the camera may detect the lighting of a scene. It will automatically assemble multiple images at different exposures when it is too dark to produce a brighter picture. AI will also balance the colours, and the process takes only a few seconds. In 2022, manufacturers will focus on increasing AI and machine learning areas to improve aspects such as privacy and security.

Machine Learning will make smartphones more powerful

Most affordable phones do not come with powerful processors or high ram. This means that if you want a powerful phone, you need to go for the expensive options with high-end chips. However, machine learning capabilities will enable users to buy affordable smartphones and access advanced features. For example, Google Android Go Edition cost roughly under $50, yet they have almost similar capabilities to Android 12 smartphones. They have done this by optimizing machine learning libraries to use limited resources to achieve advanced capabilities. The future of smartphones is using machine learning to make smartphones more intelligent.

Longer battery life

Preserving battery life has always been an issue for most users. However, instead of relying on good charging habits, modern phones will rely more on AI to ensure the good health of their batteries. AI will analyse user behaviour and adjust phone modes depending on the user’s habit to ensure longer battery life.

Widespread accessibility

The World Health Organisation estimates that over a billion people worldwide have a disability. Google and Apple are at the forefront in making their devices accessible to everyone regardless of their disability. For example, features such as Live Transcribe help people with hearing disabilities, while Live Caption in Android and Chrome assist people in watching and listening to audio content. Android is also coming up with a screen leader called Talkback to enable people with vision impairment to navigate their screens. New phones in the future will come with improvements in accessibility, allowing them to accurately translate various languages and be more inclusive to people of various genders, disabilities, languages and races.

Photo by Eddy Billard on Unsplash

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