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Top 7 Summer Home Exterior Maintenance Tips


Nothing stays perfect forever. Things wear and break, so they need to be looked after to keep them in good condition. The same goes for the outside of your home. The exterior will not always be flawless. You will especially notice this when climate changes.

As each season rolls around, you need to think about what you can improve, fix, or redo. In this way, the different parts and details of the exterior of your home will last longer and look like you just bought a house and renovated it.

Before the start of the next season, you need to first check what needs to be serviced. It could be your driveway or sidewalk near your home that needs cleaning. You can also consider upgrading your yard asphalt by using Interlocking Services in Ottawa to improve the landscape of your home. It can be window frames, pipes, roofs, and much more. You should check and buy all the necessary materials that will help bring the appearance of your home to perfect condition.

Maintenance tips for every homeowner

Check all the boards on the terrace of your house

As a rule, couples try to make terraces from wooden planks, both in front of the house near the front door and at the back of the house, where families spend time outdoors. Over time, the boards begin to rot, especially when it rains a lot.

Check that all nails are well-driven. If they climb out of the boards, this can lead to bad consequences, as someone can get caught and fall. Your house as well as the terrace should be safe.

In addition, you should check the paintwork, which wears off over time. To do this, you should pour some water on the boards. If puddles form, then everything is fine. If not, then the coating is worn out and it should be replaced with a new one.

Clean the sidewalk and driveway

A beautiful and clean driveway contributes to a great first impression. You can use a pressure washer to get rid of dirt and debris in seconds, ensuring your sidewalk and driveway maintain a pristine appearance. Consider utilizing hot water pressure washers, which can be especially effective in removing stubborn stains and grime. This will also help you understand if your driveway needs updating.

Check all the cracks in the house

It is unpleasant when insects enter the house. You can only protect yourself from them if there are no gaps in the house. Even if during construction you made sure that no pests could enter your house, then in any case, you need to check them annually. It is best to do this before the start of each season, especially in summer when pests begin to multiply.

In addition to small gaps, you should check the big ones. Not only annoying insects can penetrate such cracks, but also large pests like rats, as well as mice.

Clean out the drainage system

Depending on where you live, you will need to do this check much more often than everyone else. If there are few trees near your house, then you can do this check once or twice a year. If your house is surrounded by trees, then the drainage system may become dirty more often. Because of this, water will not drain well and will begin to penetrate your home.

In addition to cleaning the drain from debris and tree leaves, you should make sure that the downpipes are free of rust and any cracks. You can also buy new paint to give your drainage system a fresh and vibrant look.

Make sure the roof is secure

By infrequently servicing your roof, you may end up needing expensive repairs. Instead, it is better to check it often and repair damaged parts promptly to save your budget. You will be grateful to yourself, especially if it starts to rain for a long time and your roof starts to leak.

A leak can lead not only to costly roof repairs but also to damage to the walls of your home. You will have to make new repairs, as well as repaint everything inside. In summer, the weather favours you and you can leisurely make the necessary inspection and, in case of problems, fix everything.

Clean the outside of the building

First, you need to inspect your home from the outside. If you notice the appearance of moss, mold, and other things, you should take care of cleaning. This can negatively affect how long the materials stay in good condition. Mold on your home can be not only devastating to the look of your home but devastating to the health of all members of your family. If it begins to penetrate inside the house, and this will certainly happen, then you may begin to have serious problems with the respiratory system.

A pressure washer will help you with this endeavor. You can use this equipment in many maintenance jobs, so make a new purchase to make it easier for you to clean up.

To make this task even more convenient, consider investing in high-quality equipment pressure washers such as from Hotsy New Jersey.

Refresh the facade of the building

Depending on what exterior material you use for your home, you may need to re-paint the exterior of your building. In the sun, the paint fades faster, so from a distance your house will look dull.

You can either buy the same paint for your home to make it more vibrant. You may also consider giving your building a new and fresh look. You can try new color combinations.


Summer is the best time to bring the look of your home to perfection. You should check all areas of your exterior to find problem areas. These checks are best done a few times a year at the beginning of each season to fix problems as they come up. This will save you from expensive repairs and more serious problems.

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