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Home / Home & Garden / Toronto Garden Contest blooms again to spotlight the city’s best gardens

Toronto Garden Contest blooms again to spotlight the city’s best gardens


The Toronto Garden Contest is back for its 22nd year! The City of Toronto is planting a new opportunity to honour and celebrate local gardens that are breathtakingly brilliant and perennial favourites in the 22nd edition of the Toronto Garden Contest.

Nominations will be accepted across various categories spanning residential gardens, pollinator gardens, community gardens and commercial gardens until Monday, July 8.

2023 Residential winner for Pollinator/Habitat Garden, City of Toronto

Toronto Garden Contest nominations can be made in the following categories:

 Residential – Traditional
 Residential – Environmental/Pollinator Habitat
 High Density Residential
 Commercial
 Community

“Toronto’s private and public gardens make the city more vibrant and enchanting. I applaud all who share their gardens with us and encourage residents to share their favourites for this contest.”

– Mayor Olivia Chow

Residents can submit their own garden or nominate one in their community. Excellence in the areas of design, landscaping, use of plant material and overall condition/maintenance contribute to the winner’s being selected. Winners will be notified by mail and recognized at an award ceremony in fall 2024.

Residents can dig deeper into the contest and submit nominations on the City’s Garden Contest webpage.

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