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Home / Toronto / News / TTC is raising fares again March 1

TTC is raising fares again March 1


TORONTO, ON., February 25, 2020 – Today the Toronto Transit Commission announced that it will be increasing its fares on March 1, 2020.

The adult cash fare will remain the same at $3.25, while the cash fare and Presto fares for all other fare types will increase by $0.10.

Adult Presto card fares will increase to $3.20. Senior and youth Presto fares are facing the same increase, while a monthly adult Presto pass will increase by five dollars.

It is important to note that Adult cash fares would be exempted from the increase.

The TTC is hoping to raise about $31.4 million from the increase.

“Our proposed operating budget for next year is $2.14 billion, an increase of nearly $85 million, or 4.1 per cent over 2019,” TTC CEO Rick Leary said in a statement Friday.

The are hike also includes PRESTO pay-as-you-go payment. The announcement also said that the cost of monthly passes will also be increased across all fare types.

The TTC advises that “if you wish to cancel your 12 Month Pass or your Autorenew on your TTC Monthly Pass, you will need to do so before February 22, 2020.

The TTC also initiated fare changes a 10 cent increase in 2019.

Below you will find the new rates posted on the TTC website:

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