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Home / Toronto / News / Villa Charities begins construction on Italian Canadian Immigrant Tribute Installation

Villa Charities begins construction on Italian Canadian Immigrant Tribute Installation


TORONTO, June 13, 2024 – Shovels hit the ground yesterday morning at a public event for the eagerly anticipated Villa Charities Italian Canadian Immigrant Tribute project installation, which is set to honour the Italian Canadian immigration story.

The ceremonial Groundbreaking Event was officially underway at 10am to mark the start of construction on the installation at the Columbus Centre. Hosted by International Chef and Executive Producer, David Rocco, the event featured dignitaries, politicians, current Tribute Project donors, representatives from other Italian organizations, and members of the Italian Canadian community who all took in the milestone amid a backdrop of enthusiastic celebration of Italian Heritage Month.


Speakers included the Consul General of Italy in Toronto, Luca Zelioli, Hon. Michael Ford, Minister of Citizenship and Multiculturalism, Hon. Michael Tibollo, Associate Minister of Mental Health and Addictions and Her Worship Olivia Chow, Mayor of Toronto, who all expressed their support of the project to the crowd of over 350 people.

“Italian Canadians have played such a pivotal role in developing the vibrant cultural traditions that exist in our community today,” said Marco DeVuono, President and CEO of Villa Charities. “Through the Italian Canadian Immigrant Tribute project, Villa Charities seeks to celebrate them, recognize their contributions, and encourage others to do the same.”

Designed by Brown + Storey Architects Inc

Designed by Brown + Storey Architects Inc., the Immigrant Tribute installation will be located on the Villa Charities site at Lawrence Avenue West and Dufferin Street in Toronto, on the north-facing wall of the Columbus Centre. It will showcase name plaques dedicated to thousands of Canadians of Italian heritage and the year that they immigrated to Canada. The installation will be accompanied by a landscaped seating area and a bronze cast sculpture crafted by artist and marketing executive, Aldo Cundari.

Villa Charities breaks ground for major installation that pays tribute to the Italian immigrant story to Canada
From (L to R) Hon. Michael Ford, Minister of Citizenship and Multiculturalism, International Chef and Executive Producer, David Rocco, Joseph Arcuri, Board Chair of Villa Charities Inc., Consul General of Italy in Toronto, Luca Zelioli, Her Worship Olivia Chow, Mayor of Toronto, Marco DeVuono, President and CEO of Villa Charities Inc., Rose Foti, Tribute Project donor, Julian Baldassarra, Tribute Project donor, Maria Orsini, Past Chair, Columbus Centre of Toronto, Hon. Michael Tibollo, Associate Minister of Mental Health and Addictions

A Gathering Space

The installation will offer individuals of Italian heritage a space to gather, commemorate, and reflect on their immigrant heritage and collective achievements.

Attendees were moved by guest speakers and Tribute Project donors Julian Baldassarra and Rose Foti, who have purchased customized name plaques that honour their loved ones’ immigration journeys and family legacies. All attending Tribute Project donors were wearing a special donor button to identify themselves as proud supporters during the Groundbreaking Event and provided inspiring examples of how fellow Italian Canadians have persevered and positively impacted their communities.

“Being able to tell my parent’s story and reflect on my family’s legacy in the city is truly special,” said Rose Foti, donor and supporter of the Villa Charities Italian Canadian Immigrant Tribute. “Without Villa Charities, our stories would be lost on future generations.”

Double name plaques are still available

While the construction of the physical installation is underway, personalized single or double name plaques are still available for a $1,000 donation and will feature the name of the family member and the year they immigrated to Canada. For each plaque purchase, a tax receipt will be issued for the maximum allowable amount.

Canadians nationwide will not only have the opportunity to purchase plaques that will appear on the installation at the Columbus Centre, but also have their stories told on the Villa Charities Immigrant Tribute website. This allows donors to share family photographs and histories with the public, acting as a useful resource for generations to come.

Unveiling later this year

The unveiling of the completed installation is currently planned for later this year. The funds raised from the Tribute Project through Villa Charities Foundation will support senior care, youth services, education and scholarships, cultural programming, and capital needs.

For more information on the Villa Charities Italian Canadian Immigrant Tribute project, including how to purchase a name plaque, visit villacharitiesimmigranttribute.com.

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