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What makes the Hot Towel Shave so popular in Toronto?


The growing trend of the hot towel shave is has been gaining momentum around the city as clients can discover the numerous benefits associated with this procedure. And the 270+ men’s barbershops and grooming studios in Toronto alone, have been receiving a lot more requests for this ultimate shaving experience.

Hot towel shaves have become increasingly popular over the past decade and they help to complete that signature barbershop experience providing men’s grooming studio patrons with the very best and closest shaving experience.

Hot towel shaves are efficient in handling common cuts, bumps, and grazes. The hot steam is efficient in ensuring that the face remains clean and fresh.

As a result, barbershops are incorporating this technique into their customer experience, giving clients the best in the business. However, what makes the hot towel shave so popular?

Hot towel shaves are efficient in handling common cuts, bumps, and grazes. The hot steam is efficient in ensuring that the face remains clean and fresh. Hot towel shaves are incorporated with essential oils to give the client a wholesome and thorough finish.

A standard hot steamer is one of the requirements in a barbershop offering a hot towel shave. Quality towels are essential for a standard hot towel shave. After the skin has been shaved, the treatment process should be done meticulously to ensure that there are no ingrown hairs or bumps afterward.

The hot towel shave process begins with a proper pre-shave procedure which prepares the skin for the entire process. For instance, the barber will apply some oil before shaving to make the process easier and protect the skin from direct contact with the blade.

Shaving cream is then applied, and the shaving process begins. After the shave, the barber will administer a cold towel which closes down the pores and calm the skin. This last towel procedure also protects the skin preventing it from infection.

Benefits of a hot towel shave

There are numerous benefits of a hot towel shave:

  • Opens up the pores

Hot towel shaves open up the pores, therefore, making it easier to remove dead skin and extra oil that is prevalent in the skin. This technique also relaxes the hair making it soft supple and easy to shave off. The skin can breathe well resulting in a smoother appearance.

  • Natural exfoliation

The hot steam is a natural exfoliator that cleans up the skin and removes grime, dirt, and hair. This result is visible to the exterior and ensures all the required products softly integrates into the pores. The hot steam also prompts ingrown hairs to break out through the skin.

  • Softening the hair

A hot towel shave softens the hair and makes it softer and easier to come off. The pre-shave oil moisturizes the hair follicles making them easy to come off. Hair growth is also developed due to the improvement in circulation.

  • Moisturizer

Hot towel shave moisturizes and soothes the skin by removing grime and dirt. This makes the skin refreshed and full of moisture.

  • Relaxation

Using the hot towel is extremely relaxing. Who wouldn’t want a relaxing experience before and after a shave? The hot steam rejuvenates and calms the skin before and after a proper shave.

Trends in hot towel shave

There are developing trends in hot towel shave that aim in advancing the craft and transform the barbershop industry. The use of essential oils is an added advantage as it makes the process easier and smoother.

Essential oils such as Eucalyptus, Lavender, Tea tree, Sandalwood, and Cypress are infused in the hot towel to give relaxing and soothing benefits. These oils are infused into the towel before the steaming, and placing the infused towels into the steamer greatly enhances the scent and benefits to the client. These oils are usually highly concentrated and require only a small dose.

Using the right shaving creams and gels is an important part of hot towel shave. The right products will prevent abrasion and minimize the risk of infection after the process. For instance, low-quality products may affect the hot towel process as they will aggravate the skin making it extremely sensitive. Therefore, a hot towel shave after this will only cause further damage to the skin. It is best to ensure that the right products are used for different skin types.

The type of shaving razor is also important in a hot towel shave. Whether the barber will use the traditional single razor or a shavette, it is best to ensure that only the best in the market are used. High-quality brands are advisable to prevent the risk of infection and abrasion on the skin.

Using the right shaving creams and gels is an important part of hot towel shave. The right products will prevent abrasion and minimize the risk of infection after the process.

Home hot towel shaves

DIY hot towel shaves at home are a growing trend that does not seem likely to go away. A simple face cloth or any other small towel is ideal for use. With a good quality steamer, heating a towel infused with essential oils and placing it on the skin before or after a shave will completely change the outcome of the shave. Steaming the towel does not necessarily require a steamer, and can be done through various ways:

  • Boiling

This is done by boiling some water in a kettle or stove and soaking the face towel in it to get the steam. Afterward, drain the water and wring out the towel when safe enough to handle.

  • Microwaving

A hot towel can be achieved by soaking the towel in a hot towel, wringing it dry, and placing it in the microwave for it to get enough steam.

  • Hot tap

The towel can be passed through a hot tap, wrung, and used immediately on the skin.

Heating several towels are ideal to ensure there is a hot one for use after each process. The hot towel technique should feel relaxing and not aim to scald the skin. Therefore, it is advisable to use caution when wringing out the towel to prevent getting burned.

When considering an at-home hot towel shave, be sure to pick up some good-quality face towels at the store. The barbershop towels are heavier and thick to absorb the steam well. Therefore, considering this is important to get the best experience.

Hot towel shaves are an experience only one can appreciate after getting it the first time. The end result is enough to make one consider this as a permanent shaving ritual.

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