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An Introduction to Weed Edibles


Now that cannabis is legal in Canada, it has changed how many approach cannabis. Not only is the health and veracity of the product better but also more products and the means of engaging with the plant have been birthed.

One of the more popular options is edibles. It offers plenty of variety, allowing people to enjoy the usual deliciousness of cookies, gummies, and chocolate with weed in them. As these are food products as much as cannabis ones, the market has responded by being able to offer their recipes and their takes on cookies, for instance, creating a competitive environment where their cannabis strains and their recipes compete. Not only that but the highs and duration are also different, as will be explained now.

Edibles vs smoking

The main difference between an edible versus smoking marijuana is how long the effects take to process. It will take longer for an edible to take effect, but it will also take longer to wear off, whereas smoking gives you an instant hit that you will need to top up again in minutes.

It all depends on the type of night you want to have. If you want an instant hit you can smoke your marijuana or if you are willing to wait and enjoy an effect that slowly releases, you can take an edible.

Getting high vs getting stoned

Sativa vs indica is the key difference. A lot of legitimate businesses and medical experts have moved away from the terms “sativa” and “indica” in favour of saying THC or CBD, which is what you’re likely to see on the label.

THC or sativas give you a head high, which could feel invigorating, energizing, or buzzed. Whereas indicas usually deal in full-body effects, like potentially lowering insomnia and increasing relaxation.

It’s why in countries where marijuana isn’t legalised, you’re still likely to see the term CBD on products. After all, there are a lot of benefits to marijuana beyond its potential benefits to your mind, so CBD gets put in skincare, hair, food, vitamins and oils, and lots of other products. Studies have shown that people in other countries take and are even prescribed CBD-only products to ease anxiety or induce sleep while marijuana is still illegal.

If you’re looking to buy edibles online, take a look at their THC/CBD proportion. All strains have a level of both, with varying degrees. Some are so low on THC that they are legal in other countries, and others are entirely THC. It’s all about what they’re designed for. Some people are looking for the buzz, and others just want to relax.

What types of products you can buy

Like any other product on the market, ready-made to be sold marijuana edibles are primarily created to make your life easier. You can trust the quality of the marijuana due to regulations as health standards have to be complied with, that the edibles actually taste good, and that you needn’t spend time making them.

Edibles can be made into brownies, cookies, chocolate, gummies, beef jerky, and a million other things. As interesting as the concept of ingredients infused with weed, like milk and oil, is, these pre-packaged items also have the perk of helping you control your dose. This is particularly important if you are a beginner. The prepackaged items of brownies, cookies, etc. have their dose and quantity clearly labelled so that you know how much you are taking and if you want to take more.

Important Tips for beginners

If this is your first time, take it slow and keep the dose low. 10mg is considered the standard single dose for an adult, so you, as a beginner, should aim for around 5mg for your first time. It won’t overwhelm you but should give you a light buzz.

The rule is to wait before you up the dosage. If you wait an hour, maybe an hour and a half, you can then decide if you need a little more to feel it and you can go ahead with another 5mg. You’re looking to work up to the feeling that you’re looking for. Unlike smoking, it doesn’t give you an instant feeling, which is probably the main thing you should know going into it to avoid overdoing it.

Plus, remember that an edible high is going to last longer than an inhaled high, so if you are going with edibles, make sure you factor that into your schedule so you have no commitments that require you to be sober.

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