Animal Rights Toronto march against sled dog cruelty
Hundreds of animal rights activists met at 1 pm today at Allen Gardens and marched to Yonge-Dundas Square as part of a protest to end dog sled cruelty.
It is one of several protests taking place as part of a national campaign against dog sled cruelty.
Animal Rights Toronto says the commercial dog sledding industry continues to deceive the Canadian Public.

On their website they have posted a list of the terrible injustices faced by dogs in this industry which suggests that the dogs are chained up in the scorching heat in adequate filthy storage fields in the off-season, eating substandard food and without adequate shelter from winter and summer elements. They say, “These are the terrible injustices faced by dogs in this industry:
– dogs chained by their necks during “off-season” in filthy storage fields.
– No adequate shelter, from the scorching heat of summer or the frigid cold of winter.
– Dogs urinating and defacating within the confines of their chained area.
– substandard food and dirty drinking containers
– Minimal / no veterinary treatment.
– No enrichment.
Some of the slogans the protesters were shouting included:
“Dogs are not here to entertain, Give them a home and break the chain”
as well as “No more pain no more silence, Stop dog sledding end the violence.”
Animal Rights Toronto are also asking concerned citizens to sign a petition to ask the Canadian government to BAN outdoor dog chaining
story by Terry Lankstead
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