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Coach’s Impact on NBA Betting Odds: Lessons from the Toronto Raptors’ Leadership Shuffle


Coaches have a significant role to play in the NBA, and their most important task is to get their teams into the playoffs at the end of the season, where their role becomes even more important.

Here is a closer look at how changes in coaching staff, similar to the Toronto Raptors’ transition from former coach Nick Nurse to Darko Rajaković, can sometimes greatly impact the betting odds at today’s most trusted iGaming sites.

How coaches can impact the NBA betting odds

Many factors can impact the NBA betting odds for any bet type, such as current form, team selection, injuries, historic results, recent results, and where the money is going. NBA coaches can also affect the odds.

A good NBA coach driving his team to success can be a big help for sports bettors, just like an inconsistent coach who isn’t getting the results can be costly and annoying for sports bettors.

In April 2023, NBA side the Toronto Raptors fired their coach at the time, Nick Nurse, and then replaced him with Serbian coach Darko Rajaković after they failed to make the NBA playoffs when they lost in the Play-In Tournament to the Chicago Bulls.

Inconsistent coaches can lose the confidence and respect of the players and the fans, leading to an even more serious downturn in performances, and their days are typically numbered.

The market confidence in a team is clearly reflected in the average odds offered by today’s most trusted online sportsbook operators, and it can take many weeks, months, or even years before the odds start to improve for those teams, especially during transitional periods when new coaches are still finding their feet.

Today’s best NBA coaches can significantly impact how the lines are set in the playoffs, how those odds fluctuate, and what kind of impact that has on the value of certain betting markets.

Are there any trending NBA bets worth placing?

The thing to remember is that no bets are safe or ever guaranteed to return you a profit. However, to give yourself the best chance of winning, it’s important to carry out as much research as possible into an NBA match before placing prematch, outright, or in-play bets.

Also, don’t forget that NBA odds and live bets on 10bet are among the most competitive in the iGaming industry, and there are thousands of monthly NBA betting markets to choose from.

Understanding things like the latest team news, team selection, current form, recent results, and historic results between two teams can help you place more information bets with a much better chance of winning.

Some of the most popular NBA bets that are currently trending are the following:

  • Denver Nuggets to win the 2023/24 NBA Championship outright – 7/2 (fractional odds), +350 (American/moneyline odds), 4.50 (decimal odds) with a 22.20% implied probability rate
  • Denver Nuggets to win the Western Conference – 2/1 (fractional odds), +200 (American/moneyline odds), 3.00 (decimal odds) with a 33.30% implied probability rate
  • Boston Celtics to win the Eastern Conference – 8/5 (fractional odds), +160 (American/moneyline odds), 2.60 (decimal odds) with a 38.50% implied probability rate
  • Phoenix Suns to win the Pacific Division – 5/4 (fractional odds), +125 (American/moneyline odds), 2.25 (decimal odds) with a 44.40% implied probability rate
  • Denver Nuggets to win the Northwest Division – 41/50 (fractional odds), -122 (American/moneyline odds), 1.82 (decimal odds) with a 54.90% implied probability rate

Other trending NBA bets right now are the Boston Celtics to win the Atlantic Division at 2/13 (fractional), -650 (American/moneyline), and 1.15 (decimal) with a whopping 86.70% implied probability rate.

The Milwaukee Bucks to win the Central Division is another popular bet currently trending. They are priced at 7/25, -357, and 1.28, with a 78.10% IPR, and the Miami Heat are odds-on favourites to win the Southeast Division at 11/10, +110, and 2.10, with a 47.60% IPR.

You also have Nikola Jokic to win the 2023/24 NBA MVP award at 6/4, +150, and 2.5, with a 40.00% IPR, and Chet Holmgren to be the NBA Rookie of the Year at 11/20, -182, and 1.50, with a 64.50% IPR.

If you want more of the latest trending NBA bets, great examples include NBA 6th Man of the Year (Austin Reaves), NBA Clutch Player of the Year (Damian Lillard), and NBA Coach of the Year (Chris Finch of the Minnesota Timberwolves).

Final note

The Raptors are currently in 11th place in the Eastern Conference, and Darko Rajakovic will need to do everything in his power to ensure they don’t miss out on the playoffs again like they did last year.

If you decide to place a bet on the NBA, remember to do your research before betting and try to understand what the implied probability rates are trying to tell you about the likelihood of an outcome occurring.

Understanding this basic information can help you place more informed bets with a greater chance of returning a profit.

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