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How studying at university affects psychological well-being


What associations do you have with going to university? Do you really think the partying we see in numerous movies or the research you can carry out using college facilities? Perhaps you imagine first love stories and even serious relationships. On the one hand, it’s good that people have faith in better things, but, on the other, it’s impossible to ignore numerous negative sides of going to college or university. Please, don’t get confused: we don’t aim to talk you out of applying to your dream college and obtaining qualifications. Instead, our task is to draw attention to a student’s mental health and overall well-being.

What is well-being? In general, it’s a state when a person feels fully happy and comfortable. It presupposes well-being in the mental, physical, social, and emotional spheres. Unfortunately, not so many people can boast of this state, and the number of students who feel happy is even lower. Many educational institutions try to focus on this problem and organize various assessments throughout the year. However, numerous studies on this topic still report the problems students face while studying. We want to focus on psychological well-being since mental health problems are the most frequent among school and college students. 

  1. Heavy workload causes stress

Studying in college nowadays means trying to cope with dozens of assignments, assessments, and other tasks. It’s impossible to continue on such a regimen for a long time and feel no consequences. So, the first and the most widespread effect of studying on students is stress. We can’t describe stress as a negative phenomenon only. Sometimes, short-term exposure to stress makes people be more productive and effective learners. However, studying is connected to chronic stress. If you read it and realize that it’s familiar to you, consider changing your study habits. For example, what about getting some assistance with homework? Finding an academic writing service and asking an expert, Using an essay service will take you a few minutes, but the amount of free time you’ll get will be enough to have a rest. 

  1. Burnout is a common issue

If you still don’t consider stress a dangerous state, read more about it. It’s harmful in itself, and what about some side effects? You’ve probably heard about burnout because this issue is widely discussed nowadays. Students and other people who work hard finally face burnout if they fail to cope with stress. This problem is common among high school and college students, and it’s not surprising. While you’re in high school, you try to do your best to have a high GPA and prepare for college admissions. When you enter the dream institution, you think that the heavy stuff is over, but you’re wrong. No, you’ll have to get up early every day, attend classes, participate in seminars, do homework, and many other things you may not like.

  1. No one day without anxiety

How is it possible to stay calm while studying? The percentage of learners who never have anxiety in college is low. It’s one of the most widespread mental states. Some people mistakenly equate it with stress, but they are completely different. Anxiety is one of the natural responses to stress. This state is characterized by the feeling of fear or worry. We all face it before any important event. For example, you feel actions when you’re about to meet a new person, have a job interview, or take an exam. It may seem okay, but students don’t just have anxiety — they face anxiety disorders. Panic attacks and feelings of fear occur too often, and the person can’t control them. Of course, it disturbs normal life and prevents learners from being successful in studying.

  1. Desocialization is still widespread

A person has no problems with well-being when they have a strong supportive network. Unfortunately, not all students manage to make friends with groupmates or people from other groups. Bullying is still a widespread issue in educational settings. Also, many students move away from home to study and turn out to be completely alone with their problems. It’s not surprising that many of them desocialize. The lack of support and people who can encourage you to move further is the worst thing that can occur.  Pandemic and quarantine contributed to the distribution of this problem in educational settings. 

The specific factors impacting students well-being

We haven’t mentioned all the possible effects of studying because this article would be too huge. However, anxiety, stress, burnout, and desocialization are the most frequent challenges students face. College counselling services can significantly change the situation, but the majority of students are afraid to ask for help. If you’re a student, please, try to limit negative factors to avoid the states mentioned above. Ask for academic assistance when you feel overworked, have enough sleep at night, devote time to hobbies, and don’t stay alone. 

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