Popular Mississauga ice cream store closes drive-thru and curbside pickup due to distancing concerns
MISSISSAUGA, ON., May 17, 2020 — Yesterday, one of the West GTA’s most popular ice cream stops since 1958, issued a cry for help on Facebook that they have decided to shut down their drive-thru and curbside until further notice.
Management at Dairy Cream, located near Cawthra and Lakeshore Road, said they are overwhelmed and concerned about traffic safety, with drivers and patrons failing to abide by social distancing rules
“We have decided as a Dairy Cream family to shut down our drive thru, and our curb side pick up until further notice. Why? Our staff is very overwhelmed, traffic safety is not being listened to. And as hard as we try we are unable to catch up. Our security team did phenomenal today with moving traffic along but we need drivers cooperation too, in order to run smooth and that is sometimes a challenge,” the statement reads.
These are unprecedented times for the 62-year-old ice cream hot-spot, and their management said that “until restrictions with physical distance ease up and we have a good and safe system in place,” they will not be doing their drive thru, or curb side pickup.
The popular old-school Mississauga ice cream destination, known for its incredible milkshakes, traditional sundaes, as well as its dipped soft ice cream choices, is normally used to being extremely busy on most hot summer days, with fast-moving lineups and high traffic. But trying to adhere to comply with the province’s physical distancing rules and keep their customers safe from spreading the virus, they say it just isn’t possible.
So Dairy Cream says that for now they will just be using food delivery services to satisfy the ice cream cravings of their loyal patrons.
“We tried that (and) it was hard getting through (on) the phone… We are very sorry for the long wait times. For now we will be on uber eats and skip the dishes for DELIVERY only,” they said on Facebook.
Dairy Cream management also sent out a big ‘Thank You’ to all of their customers. “Thank you to all for your love and support, those kind words, our kind messages through the dms and our facebook. We look forward to being able to serve you through almost normal operations in the future. Once we know it is the best time to do so. Much love.”
story by Terry Lankstead
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