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Home / Toronto / News / COVID-19 / Premier Doug Ford shares famous Cherry cheesecake for Victoria Day

Premier Doug Ford shares famous Cherry cheesecake for Victoria Day


TORONTO, ON., May 15, 2020 — This morning Ontario Premier Doug Ford came through with one of his promises. He shared his famous cherry cheesecake recipe mentioned at yesterday’s COVID-19 press conference.

Not only does Premier Ford share the recipe but he also presents it as an instructional video from his home kitchen much like many celebrity chefs have been doing lately due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Ontario’s Premier channels chefs like Jamie Oliver and Toronto’s own Massimo Capra, providing step by step instructions on how to make the crust, the cheesecake and then layer on a filling of your choice. Ford uses canned cherries but also recommend blueberries if cherries aren’t your thing.

The video is a refreshing departure from Ford’s usual serious presentations mostly concerning the COVID-19 pandemic, and as many Ontarians have turned to isolation baking, so much so that finding flour in grocery stores has become a challenge, the Premier’s post will surely gain maximum interest.

Watch the video and make your own cheesecake at home:

In the Premier’s tweet he asks residents to show their Ontario spirit by sharing their own baking videos. The video has already received close to three thousand likes and in two hours and hundreds of retweets and positive comments as well as its share of criticisms from what are commonly referred to as ‘internet trolls.’

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