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Recipe: Maple Fudge


by Tim Herd

Excerpted with publisher permission from Maple Sugar by ©2010 by Tim Herd, published by Storey Publishing, Photography by © Paul Poplis Photography Inc./Stock Food (Maple Fudge) and © Lynn Stone (maple syrup in glass jars). All rights reserved.

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Maple fudge Excerpted with publisher permission from Maple Sugar by ©2010 by Tim Herd, published by Storey Publishing, Photography by © Paul Poplis Photography Inc./Stock Food (Maple Fudge) and © Lynn Stone (maple syrup in glass jars). All rights reserved.

2 egg whites 

3 cups maple syrup 

²⁄³ cup light corn syrup 

1 teaspoon baking powder

1 cup walnut pieces 


1. Beat egg whites to stiff peaks and set aside. 

2. Stir maple syrup and corn syrup together in a small saucepan over medium to high heat, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon; boil until a drop forms a hard ball in cold water (250°–260°F [121°–126°C] on a candy thermometer). 

3. Pour syrup mixture in a slow stream over stiffly beaten egg whites, beating constantly. Cool to 110°F (43°C). 

4. For the last of the cooling, use a large spoon to beat the fudge until it begins to set. When stiff in texture, stir in baking powder and walnuts.  

5. Pour into a greased 8 × 8 pan. Cut the firm, cooled fudge into squares. 

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