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Recipe: Seafood with Endive

Chef Stephan Schulz

A note from the Chef

This recipe calls for an Endive’ so what is an Endive (pronounced “on-deev”)? It is a vegetable characterized by tightly packed leaves and an elongated shape and light in colour. Many are really uncertain of what they actually are or even how to cook them. Endives truly have a unique, slightly bitter flavor that can add a pleasing flavor zing to all kinds of recipes. Try one and you’ll see…sorry, you’ll taste the difference. (see photo of an Endive).


1) Dill sauce
• 1/3 cup Greek yoghurt
• 1 teaspoon Honey 
• 1/2 Fresh dill, remove stems and chopped finely

• Himalayan salt (A pinch or to taste)
• Pepper, (A pinch or to taste)

2) Egg salad
• 4 eggs (Boiled)
• Mayonnaise (A spoon full or to taste) 
• 1/4 Celery (chopped very fine)
• 1/4 Red onion (Chopped fine-you can also use shallots or sweet onions)

3) Mangos Salad 
• 1 Mango (finely chop half the mango and keep the remaining for display)
• Mint (finally chopped) 

4) Endive 
• One large Endive 

5) Fish
• Grilled fish (your favourite fish will do)

Chef’s suggestions:

• You can also use canned salmon or canned tuna. (Drain the liquid before using)

• Break up your cooked fish into smaller pieces and set aside to cool down or place it into the fridge until ready to assemble. 


Dill sauce
• Mix all ingredients together and set aside, just before assembling check Dill Sauce mixture for salt and pepper taste. 

Eggs Salad 
• Peel and chop up boiled eggs into a bowl (as many as you like) 
• Add chopped celery, onions and mayo. Mix all items together, set aside.

Mango salad
• Cut mango in half, and on one half score and remove the mango flesh and placed into a bowl. Add chop mint then mix together and set aside.

The Endive 
• Take the endive and cut off approximately 1 to 1.5cm (1/4 to ½ inch) off the bottom root (this should easily remove the individual leaves) Set the larger leaves aside for the number of individual servings you’re making.

What you will need

• 3 Bowls
• Cooking pot for eggs
• Cutting board
• One knife 
• Stove to bake or grill your fish.
• Can opener (if you use the canned fish).


• Take one endive Leaf, add a bit of the dill sauce to the bottom of the endive and spread it out on the bottom of the leaf, Once done set aside.

• Fill the first half of the endive leaves with egg salad

• Fill the second half of the endive leaves with mango salad and set aside. 
• Divide your fish into the number off endive leaves you have and place the grilled fish on top of the endive leaves.

• Use the half mango for decoration. 

Chef Stephan Schulz works across Canada with corporations and with food brokers developing recipes for major restaurants and restaurant chains across Canada. Follow Chef Schulz on instagram:https://www.instagram.com/chef_schulz, for his daily recipe and plated photo posts.

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