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Home / Home & Garden / The 2024 Homeowner’s Guide to Furnace Replacement: What to Anticipate

The 2024 Homeowner’s Guide to Furnace Replacement: What to Anticipate


As the crisp winter air begins to settle in Toronto, homeowners are once again faced with the age-old dilemma: should they bid farewell to their faithful furnaces? Picture this: a chilly evening, snowflakes gently falling, and a cozy home filled with warmth from a reliable furnace. Yet, as the years pass, the question looms – is it time for an upgrade? Imagine the inconvenience of a furnace refusing to dispense warm air on a frosty night all of a sudden. This scenario, while daunting, is a reality that many homeowners face.

Now, let’s put the gravity of the situation into perspective. Toronto, known for its chilly winters, experiences an average low temperature of -1.5°C in January. A malfunctioning furnace can turn the comfort of your home into an ice prison, highlighting the critical importance of a well-functioning heating system.

In this expansive guide, we’ll not only discuss the various furnace repairs that might be needed but also shed light on the financial aspect of these services. Repair costs can vary widely, from the most affordable fixes to more significant investments. As homeowners, understanding these costs becomes essential for making informed decisions about the longevity and efficiency of your heating system.

Understanding Common Furnace Repairs:

Your furnace, a silent winter hero, can encounter various issues. Common furnace repairs every homeowner should know about:

Dirty Ductwork: Dust and debris can obstruct heating ducts, hindering airflow. Regular maintenance by an HVAC technician prevents this.

Old Filters: Neglecting filter changes decreases heating efficiency. Watch for reduced airflow as a sign to replace filters.

Faulty Starting Mechanism: Older furnaces may face ignition or pilot light failures, necessitating HVAC technician intervention for proper function.

Broken Blower Components: Address issues promptly if your furnace stops blowing hot air, as the blower mechanism is vital for even heat distribution.

Malfunctioning Heat Exchanger: Regular maintenance prevents cracks or malfunctions in the heat exchanger, averting costly replacements.

Bad Limit Switch: Continuous running signals a malfunction in the limit switch, requiring professional attention to avoid overheating.

The thermostat in Need of Repair: Thermostat malfunctions impact temperature control; enlist an HVAC technician for accurate diagnosis and repair.

Tripped Circuit Breaker: Frequent tripping indicates electrical issues; prompt investigation and resolution are crucial to prevent hazards.

Unexpected Noises: Unusual noises signal potential problems; professional inspection is necessary to prevent further damage.

Gas Leaks or Odors: Immediate action is crucial for gas or metallic smells. Turn off the gas valve, open windows, and seek professional help to avert potential dangers.

How Much Does It Cost to Repair a Furnace in Toronto?

Understanding the financial aspects of furnace services is crucial. Here’s a breakdown of costs in Toronto from the lowest prices we found to the most expensive:

  • Furnace Installation: from $200 to $11,000 (Average $4,985)
  • Furnace Repair: from $100 to $5,000 (Average $498)
  • HVAC Installation: from $120 to $12,000 (Average $6,322)
  • HVAC Repair: from $100 to $4,600 (Average $934)

Additionally, the type of furnace can influence costs:

  • Natural Gas or Propane: $5,000 to $7,000+
  • Electric: $1,000 to $3,000+
  • Oil: $3,000+

Is It Worth Fixing a Furnace?

The decision to repair or replace your furnace involves several considerations:

  • Furnace Age: Natural gas furnaces last around 15 years, while electric furnaces may endure for 20 years. Repairs may only provide a temporary solution, and replacement becomes cost-effective in the long run.
  • Repair Frequency: Well-maintained furnaces should not require frequent repairs. If issues persist, it might be more prudent to invest in a new unit.
  • The Rule of 5,000: Multiply the repair cost by the furnace’s age. If the result exceeds 5,000, it’s often more economical to replace the unit.
  • Balance Repair Cost vs. Replacement Cost: If the repair cost surpasses 50% of the cost of a new unit, it’s usually more cost-effective to opt for a replacement.

When in doubt, consulting with an HVAC professional ensures informed decision-making tailored to your specific situation.

Is It Worth Fixing a 20-Year-Old Furnace?

Furnaces over 20 years old become less efficient and prone to cracks and leaks. Considering the potential dangers and increased frequency of breakdowns, replacing a 20-year-old furnace is a wise investment in your home’s safety and comfort.

How Do I Know When My Furnace Needs Replacing?

Keep an eye out for these indicators:

  • Age: Furnaces 15 years or older may be reaching the end of their lifespan.
  • Noises: Unusual sounds during operation could signify underlying issues.
  • Temperature Fluctuations: Inconsistent heating throughout your home may indicate a failing furnace.
  • Yellow Flames: Blue flames are normal; yellow flames suggest a combustion issue.
  • High Energy Bills: Increased energy costs may signal decreased efficiency.
  • Frequent and Expensive Repairs: If repairs become a regular and costly occurrence, it might be time for an upgrade.

How Long Does a Furnace Last in Ontario?

A furnace typically lasts around 15 years in Ontario, contingent on maintenance and usage factors.

How Much Should I Budget for a New Furnace?

The average cost of furnace replacement in Ontario falls within the range of $3,000 to $7,500. Factors influencing costs include model, installation type, warranty, brand, and size.

Is There a Rebate for a New Furnace in Ontario?

In Ontario, eligible homeowners can enhance their homes’ energy efficiency and environmental friendliness through initiatives like the Home Efficiency Rebate Plus (HER+) program. This program offers rebates of up to $10,600 and extends its support beyond new furnaces to include heat pumps, promoting alternative and energy-efficient heating solutions. The Canada Greener Homes Grant, a collaborative effort by Natural Resources Canada and Enbridge Gas within the HER+ program, provides financial support for recommended retrofits, fostering energy-efficient upgrades such as home insulation, windows and doors, heat pumps, and renewable energy systems. The program aims to transform homes into greener and more sustainable living spaces, with eligibility criteria based on residency, property type, and energy provider, ensuring accessibility for a wide range of homeowners to contribute to a more eco-friendly future.

The Most Reliable Furnace Brand in Canada:

While the reliability of a furnace is more about the unit than the brand, certain features enhance performance. Look for:

  • High AFUE: Lower energy consumption for reduced bills.
  • Two-Stage or Modulating Systems: Quieter operation, energy efficiency, and consistent temperature.
  • Variable-Speed Blower Motor: Quiet, energy-efficient, and enhanced comfort.
  • Good Warranty: Comprehensive coverage for long-term savings.
  • Budget-Friendly Options: Choose based on your financial capacity.
  • Additional Features: Wi-Fi control, noise reduction, and more.
  • Right Size: Match the furnace to your home’s size and heating needs.
  • Professional Installation and Maintenance: Ensure proper setup and ongoing care.
  • Quality Materials: Stainless steel heat exchangers for durability.
  • Trusted Dealer: Rely on reputable HVAC dealers for purchasing and servicing.

Leading brands include Carrier, York, Trane, and American Standard, each excelling in specific aspects. In Toronto, Tropic Air is your go-to expert. Their skilled professionals are ready to provide personalized quotes for your heating and cooling system installation or repair projects, ensuring your home remains a haven of comfort and efficiency.

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