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Home / Toronto / News / COVID-19 / TPH say public risk due to recent COVID-19 outbreak at a Toronto quarantine hotel remains low

TPH say public risk due to recent COVID-19 outbreak at a Toronto quarantine hotel remains low


Toronto Public Health says the federal quarantine hotel is strongly adhering to public health measures and no closure has been ordered at this point

Toronto Public Health (TPH) is investigating a number of COVID-19 cases at the Crowne Plaza Toronto Airport Hotel. The facility is currently being used as a federal quarantine hotel for travellers entering Canada from abroad, and is managed by the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC).

As of this morning, there are 13 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in staff members at the hotel. TPH has provided instructions to staff members who have tested positive, and those who are considered a close contact. The risk to the public remains low as this is a federally designated quarantine facility that is not open for general public use.

TPH continues to work with the facility to identify all cases, and with PHAC to review and ensure appropriate public health and infection prevention control measures are in place. Staff are subject to COVID-19 screening and a temperature check before the start of each shift. Personal protective equipment (PPE) is also provided to staff.

TPH and PHAC conducted an on-site inspections on May 4, 2021. This inspection found that there is a strong adherence to public health measures and infection prevention and control opportunities for improvement were noted including further reducing lunch room capacity, posting additional signage and centralizing staff screening. The hotel has already complied with all of TPH’s recommendations.

With the new Workplace Class Order issued by the Medical Officer of Health on April 23, 2021, https://www.toronto.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/9710-21-04-22-Workplace-class-order-closures.pdf , a closure may be ordered when there are five or more confirmed or probable COVID-19 cases for individuals who have attended a workplace within a 14 calendar-day period and/or other evidence of transmission, and meet the criteria of the Workplace Class Order. TPH will determine the extent of the closures:

  • A full closure applies to an entire workplace premises
  • A partial closure may apply to the exclusion of a specific shift or work group/team

As this facility provides an essential service to keep Torontonians safe, it will not be fully closed. If a partial closure is ordered, it will be posted on our dashboard under the Active Outbreak tab at https://www.toronto.ca/home/covid-19/covid-19-latest-city-of-toronto-news/covid-19-status-of-cases-in-toronto/.

Given that COVID-19 and the more transmissible variants of concern continue to circulate in the community, it is not unexpected there are COVID-19 cases at this facility or any workplace in the city. This is why it is more important than ever to limit interactions to household members and to only leave the house when absolutely necessary. Continue to practice the steps of self-protection: wear your mask, watch your distance, wash your hands and stay at home if you are feeling unwell. TPH also encourages residents to get a vaccine when it is their turn to protect themselves and the community.

For more information about federal quarantine facilities and infection prevention and control measures, and operational protocols for these locations, please contact PHAC directly.

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