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Home / Discover / Ways to make your UK motorbike theory test easier

Ways to make your UK motorbike theory test easier


The motorcycle theory test must be passed in order to obtain a motorcycle licence. This article explains how to successfully pass your motorcycle theory test on your first try.

Arranging for a test

Booking your theory test requires that you hold a provisional motorcycling license.

The test is divided into two parts:

  • MCQs
  • A video test on identifying road dangers is called “hazard perception.”

They are scheduled and taken as a single test. To ace the test, you must succeed in both sections.

Who is required to pass the theory test?

Before taking the motorcycle test, you often need to pass a theory test on motorcycles.

Learn which motorcycles you are permitted to ride and what examinations you must pass.

How to prepare for your test

To your test, you must bring your driving license with a UK photo card.

  • Bring the photo card and paper counterpart of your license if it is from Northern Ireland.
  • If you don’t bring the proper items, your test will be canceled and you won’t get your money back.
  • Practice online mock test and motorcycle theory test questions to pass your real test.

You can decide whether to cover your face during the test.

If your licence is on paper:

Bring your paper license and a passport that is currently valid.

You need a photocard license if you don’t have a passport.

Personal effects

Your personal belongings won’t be accessible to you in the test room. This comprises items like:

backpacks, headphones, cell phones, and watches

Any personal belongings must typically be kept in a locker.

If the testing facility lacks lockers, you must:

  • Before you enter the testing location, turn off your phone.
  • You will be provided with a clear plastic box to put your possessions in. You must keep this box under your desk while taking the test.
  • If you have anything with you that could be used to cheat, the test centre staff will check it. If you refuse to let them check, your test will not proceed.


To complete 50 multiple-choice questions, you have 57 minutes.

Practice prior to the test, you’ll receive:

directions on how to take the test

the opportunity to complete a practise question to become accustomed to the screens

On a screen, a question and potential responses are displayed. You must choose the correct response.

A case study is provided for several issues. In the case study,

Show a brief tale on which five questions will be based, one of which is about a real-world scenario you might encounter while driving.

Test of hazard perception

You will be given a video explaining how the hazard perception test functions before you begin.

The next step is to watch 14 video clips. The videos

At least one “growing hazard” can be seen in typical road situations, but one of the clips shows two.

You score points for identifying potential threats as soon as they arise.

Final thought

After you get your motorcycle theory test cleared, you are a practical test away from getting your motorbike!

Image by SplitShire from Pixabay 

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