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What’s up with all the chickens in Toronto?


TORONTO, May 13, 2024 – What’s up with all the chickens in Toronto doing good deeds? Have you been on the receiving end of a good deed done by a chicken in Toronto this past week and wondered what the cluck was happening? Since early May, Chicken Farmers of Canada has had broods of do-good chickens hit the streets to hold doors open for passersby, clean up garbage in local parks, pick up the tab for morning coffees, and help commuters safely cross the street, among other kind gestures for unsuspecting Torontonians.

“It’s simple: these chickens are out doing good deeds because they were raised right, just like chickens raised by Canadian chicken farmers,” says JJ Hochrein, Director of Brand Marketing of Chicken Farmers of Canada. “Canadian farmers are proud to raise chickens with care and without hormones or steroids. It’s not easy, but they go out of their way every day to do it right – just like the chickens you may have encountered around your neighbourhood last week.”

Chicken Farmers of Canada as an association does right in its community too, as a consistent supporter of the Ottawa Food Bank since 2007. CFC’s mission is to lead and grow a sustainable Canadian chicken industry while strengthening trust and enhancing value for Canadians.

To learn more, head to chickenraisedright.ca or @chickendotca on Instagram.


Chicken Farmers of Canada represents 2,800 chicken farmers from coast to coast and ensures that the chicken reaching Canadian tables is trusted, preferred, and sustainable.

Visit chickenfarmers.ca for more information.

SOURCE Chicken Farmers of Canada

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