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Home / Toronto / News / Winter Weather Advisory issued for Toronto and possible thundersnow

Winter Weather Advisory issued for Toronto and possible thundersnow


TORONTO, January 12, 2024 – A winter weather travel advisory in effect for the Toronto area tonight. Yes, this is the third time in a week that Environment and Climate Change Canada is warning Toronto area residents of bad winter weather, with the previous two times not amounting to much snow or even slush for that matter but this time things are expected to get a whole lot messier. ECCC says high winds and heavy snow to the tune of 5 to 10 cm will envelope Toronto this evening.

There is more accumulation expected as you move away from Lake Ontario, but it seems this time perhaps Toronto will see its largest snowfall of the year so far.

ECCC says we can expect, “locally heavy snowfall with total accumulations of 5 to 10 cm. Peak snowfall rates of 2 to 5 cm per hour. Strong wind gusts resulting in significantly reduced visibility in blowing snow.”

Thunderstorm possible – known as Thundersnow

In addition to heavy snow there is a risk of a thunderstorm this evening. Also known as “thundersnow, ” this is a kind of thunderstorm that happens with snow falling as the primary precipitation instead of rain.


This evening into the overnight hours.

Snow is forecast to begin early this evening. The snow will quickly become heavy at times, before transitioning to periods of rain tonight or early Saturday morning as temperatures rise above freezing.

Strong winds

Strong southeasterly winds gusting up to 70 km/h will combine with this heavy snow to cause significantly reduced visibility at times.

Be careful on the roads

Motorists should expect hazardous winter driving conditions and adjust travel plans accordingly. Avoid travel if possible. Take extra care when walking or driving in affected areas.

For road conditions and other traveller information from the Ministry of Transportation, visit ontario.ca/511, twitter.com/511Ontario, or call 5-1-1. Please continue to monitor alerts and forecasts issued by Environment Canada. To report severe weather, send an email to ONstorm@ec.gc.ca or tweet reports using #ONStorm.

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