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Your guide to the best new online casinos in Ontario


As has also been the case with many other parts of the world, online casinos have taken Canada by storm in recent years! Over the course of a few short years, the gambling industry has shifted from being driven primarily by in-person and physical locations, to generating most of its revenue online.

This shift has been aided by a wave of liberalisation taking place across Canada, with many provincial governments easing outdated regulations which prevented Canadians from accessing gambling and betting services online.

The result of this has been profound. If recent reporting is anything to go by, business is booming in the Canadian casino sector. According to one recent poll, online gambling has now even exceeded that of in-person betting in Canada!

The great province of Ontario has not missed out on this trend, with provincial legislators also having made moves to open up the gambling industry. Ontarians have responded similarly enthusiastically to this development. According to the latest figures, the gambling sector in Ontario generated a staggering $1.4bn since it was first launched in April 2022, which was generated from $35.6bn in wagers.

Given the seemingly insatiable appetite Ontarians have for wagering online and playing online casino games, it is little surprise that so many new platforms have set up shop since the regulated gambling market was first launched. In the space of just a year, we are already beginning to see significant market activity in the province.

Out of the numerous different platforms that have emerged in this newly liberated environment, however, what are the best new casinos in Ontario? And what should you look out for when you are choosing an online casino to try out?

Can I use online casinos in Ontario?

Before we talk about some of the things you need to look out for when choosing an online casino in Ontario, we should first set out how exactly you can access them.

After lengthy consultations running over several years, Ontario legislators finally launched the long-awaited iGaming market.

This initiative was supported by both Liberal and Conservative party leaders and replaced a pre-existing unregulated market that had been operating for many years. As a result of this, roughly 85% of Ontarians accessing iGaming platforms did so through a platform regulated by the province.

Regulated platforms receive a license from iGaming Ontario, a subsidiary of the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario, which allows them to serve residents of the province. Provided you are a minimum of 19 years old, you can access these platforms.

What should I look out for?

In terms of what you should be looking out for when you want to try out one of these platforms, the main features are reasonably obvious.

Firstly, you should be confirming it has a license to operate and the services it is licensed to provide. Choosing an iGaming platform with a full license ensures that your account will be kept safe and that any games they offer have been tested for fairness.

If you gamble, please gamble responsibly.

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