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Canadian citizenship with childbirth in Canada


Although slowly rising to the recommended birth rate required in a population, the birth rate in Canada has risen steadily over the years.

Immigration has played a vital role in sustaining population growth and is expected to account for 100% of Canada’s population growth by 2034. The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic have contributed to the slump in population, with an expected rise owing to the increase of immigrants into the country.

Canada has a predominantly aging population of roughly 9 million baby boomers, who are expected to retire in ten years. This has contributed to the low birth rate in the country. Therefore, a vibrant younger generation to fill in the workforce is needed; thus, a rise in immigrants necessary for economic prosperity.

When it comes to childbirth, Canada recognizes children born on Canadian soil as its citizens, regardless of the parent’s nationality or status, according to the Citizenship Act. This means that the child gets all the perks and advantages of being a Canadian citizen if born in the country. However, childbirth Canada citizenship does not apply to children of foreign diplomats.

However, despite the child being born in Canada, the parent should have a permanent residency or qualify to become a Canadian citizen for them to stay in the country. Once the child becomes an adult, parental sponsorship may be employed once they meet the requirements.

Mothers who come to Canada with the sole purpose of giving birth in the country cannot be denied visas or entry. The assessment of any individual coming into Canada is solely based on their qualifications through their application which checks their income, country of origin, and other admissibility factors. Therefore, there are no violations applicable to mothers who come into Canada with the sole purpose of giving birth.

The rights and privileges of a child born in Canada

Giving birth in Canada gives the child various rights and privileges, which include the following:

  • Residence rights

A child born in Canada can reside in the country out of the free will and travel to the country without having a visa.

  • Benefits

As Canada is now their home, the child can access opportunities usually reserved for Canadian nationalities. This includes access to healthcare, access to free education, and the several social benefits available to Canadian citizens.

Requirements for giving birth in Canada

Parents giving birth in Canada do not have any special permit to stay as citizens of the country unless they have applied for citizenship or permanent residence. If the parent wishes to stay in the country with the child, an application for temporary residency is required, which will help them stay in the country either through a study or work permit. However, this temporary residence only allows the parent limited time in the country and requires updating once it has expired.

However, parents who have given birth in Canada typically return to their home country and come back with their children once they are adults. This way, the child can live and work in the country, having access to the privileges of being a Canadian citizen.

After individuals decide they want to give birth in Canada, they will start by applying for a temporary residency visa. Once approved, they will travel to Canada with the necessary documentation and choose their preferred Canadian hospital. After the birth, they will apply for the child’s birth certificate and Canadian passport. Once their temporary visa has expired, they will be required to go back to their home country.

The IRPA will consider the following factors when an individual applies for a temporary residency visa:

  • Funds

The Canadian Consulate will consider the women’s finances to give birth in Canada and determine whether they have enough for the hospital stay. The individual should be able to cater to their hospital expenses fully. The applicant should also have enough funds to pay for the visa processing fees and their stay in the country.

  • Medical examination

This is essential as it gives a history of the medical report of the mother. In high-risk pregnancies, this is ideal for preventing any complications that would hamper the child’s birth.

  • Temporary residency visa requirements

Having the basic temporary visa requirements is necessary. A temporary residency visa only allows the individual to stray in Canada for six months or less. After that, the individual is only required to stay for the purpose they applied for. For instance, application for a temporary visa for study limits the individual to the only study and does not require them to work. After the required time has elapsed, the individual must return to their home country, providing proof that they intend to return.

The individual should also have the necessary documents, a valid passport, a clean criminal record, and any biometric information required.

A temporary residency visa can be applied online or in-person by visiting the Consulate a few times to complete the application. However, it is best to confirm eligibility for a Canadian visa by visiting the Government of Canada website and identify whether you are qualified for a visa application.

Suppose the woman fails to meet the above requirements. In that case, they are given a chance to submit additional documents that will provide compelling arguments about why the Canadian Consulate will give a visa.

Cost of giving birth in Canada

The cost of giving birth in Canada is determined by the preferences of the individual and the type of hospital they choose. Giving birth in Canada costs roughly between $5000 to CAD 20,000, depending on various factors.

Different provinces in Canada offer different health care costs. Therefore, it is advisable to consider provinces with low health care costs. For example, some individuals may choose midwifery instead of a fully-fledged hospital—this option cut costs by half.

The type of delivery, either Caesarean or standard delivery, will also affect the cost. Therefore, it is essential to know the mode of delivery when planning to budget accordingly.

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