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Home / Arts / Foo Fighters cancel all tours in wake of the death of Taylor Hawkins

Foo Fighters cancel all tours in wake of the death of Taylor Hawkins


TORONTO, March 29, 2022 – Today, Foo Fighters announced the cancellation of all upcoming tour dates “in light of the staggering loss” of their longtime drummer and friend, Taylor Hawkins.

Memorial set up outside the Four Seasons Casa Medina Hotel, March 29, 2022, two days after Taylor Hawkins passed away there. photo by JoeKiser wikicommons

As part of their North American Tour the Foos were scheduled to play nine Canadian dates this summer including Toronto. They had already cancelled their South American Tour.

Foo Fighters cancel world tour in wake of the death of their beloved friend and longtime drummer, Taylor Hawkins. photo credit wikicommons Performance of American rock band Foo Fighters at Lollapalooza Berlin 2017.

“We’re sorry for and share in the disappointment that we won’t be seeing one another as planned,” they write on Twitter. “Instead, let’s take this time to grieve, to heal, to pull our loved ones close, and to appreciate all the music and memories we’ve made together. With Love, Foo Fighters,” reads the announcement from the deeply grieving band.

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