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Recipe: Swirling pasta and ramped-up meatballs


Swirling pasta and ramped-up meatballs recipe — A note from Chef Schulz: This is another quick and easy recipe to prepare and it’s a different take on traditional pasta with meatballs. This dish surely will be talked about after serving, not only for its unique plating but also its great taste…hey, no meat sauce on this dish, but you and your guests will not miss it…a new topping is in town now…enjoy!

Ingredients needed for the Italian meatballs
• ¼ lb of ground of beef, chicken or veal
• Half a cup Panko
• One egg
• 1/4 cup of ketchup 
• Small diced onion

• Garlic Clove (Minced Garlic Clove)
• Salt and pepper (to your taste)

• 4 portions of linguine pasta

Toppings for meatballs
• 1/4 cup of mayo
• 1 tablespoon of sour cream
• 4 tablespoons of Dijon mustard
• 1 tablespoon Worcester sauce
• 2 or 3 teaspoons of fresh lemon juice
• Petals of Parmesan cheese or grated parmesan cheese 

Making the Italian Meatballs (Cooking Directions) 

The Topping:
• Add mayo, sour cream, Dijon mustard, Worcestor sauce, 2 – 3 spoons of lemon juice, pedals of Parmesan cheese or graded parmesan cheese in a bowl and mixed together.

• Once topping is mixed, keep in fridge until needed

The Meatballs:

• Place ½ cup of Panko, one egg, ketchup, diced onion, minced garlic clove, salt and pepper in bowl.

• Place the beef, chicken or veal on top of the mixture (break-up meat into chunks)
• Mix everything together (best way to mix together is to use your hands)
• Once mixed, use a small ice cream scooper, scoop the mixture in the scooper and form into a ball. Make sure they are equal in size as much as possible
• Place meatballs on parchment paper and then onto a baking sheet. Repeat until all meat is made into meatball.
• Preheat oven at 375º F and cook meatballs until internal temperature is 160º F.

Cooking The Pasta 
Use manufactures recommended cooking guidelines, then when cooked, strain the pasta.

Assemble Your Plate
Place your meatballs onto the plate at approximately one-inches intervals. Take your strained pasta and place it by hand weaving in between each line of meatballs. Take your topping from the fridge and place a teaspoon full on each meatball, and garnish it with greens and a petal of Parmesan cheese or grated cheese.


Chef Stephan Schulz works across Canada with corporations and with food brokers developing recipes for major restaurants and restaurant chains across Canada. Follow Chef Schulz on instagram for his daily recipe and plated photo posts: https://www.instagram.com/chef_schulz

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