Toronto Public Library starting curbside drop-off and pick-up service
TORONTO, ON., May 21, 2020 — Good news came today for avid readers and anyone who has run out of things to watch on Netflix and other streaming platforms. The Toronto Public Library (TPL) just announced how they will be rolling out their curbside drop-off and pick-up service. Starting Monday, May 25, select library drop boxes will be opened to accept the return of library materials. On Monday, June 1, drop boxes at all remaining accessible branches will open to accept returns. TPL estimates that there are more than one million items currently out on loan.
The introduction of these services will follow the reopening framework provided by the Province of Ontario, the advice of the Ontario Chief Medical Officer of Health and the Toronto Medical Officer of Health, and incorporates best practices within library and retail industries for the safe delivery of curbside service.
Throughout this time, library customers can continue to place holds online, through the TPL website at, and will then be able to pick up their materials through a curbside pick-up service which will be available in early June. The suspension of fines implemented when the pandemic began will continue until regular service resumes.
Last week, the Province announced that Ontario libraries are allowed to resume limited services, with curbside pick-up and drop-off of materials, when they are safely able to do so. All library branches remain closed to the public for in-branch services. Many online library services continue to be available throughout these closures:
Eleven of TPL’s branches have been set up as pop-up food banks and have been serving thousands of clients over the past two months. As these branches open to curbside pick-up of materials, these food banks will be transitioned to other community partners, with no interruption of service. The City will make an announcement about these new locations in the coming weeks.
For more information and regular updates about TPL’s curbside drop-off and pick-up service, visit