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Home / Travel / Video: Watch Bald Eagle catch lunch in Cox’s Cove, Newfoundland

Video: Watch Bald Eagle catch lunch in Cox’s Cove, Newfoundland


The town of Cox’s Cove is located on the west coast of Newfoundland (on the Gulf of St. Lawrence at the Bay of Islands). With fantastic cod fishing, both majestic eagles are drawn to the Bay of Islands area to nest and fish while sharing Cox’s Cove with the locals and visitors.

There is nothing quite like getting into a traditional Newfoundland dory boat and fishing in the Bay of Islands while watching Bald eagles circling above and catching fish along side of your boat.

One of the best ways to experience this is with Four Season’s Tours out of Cox’s Cove. Experience photographing bald eagles up close, watch the sunrise or sunset in the Bay of Islands, explore shorelines, snowmobile in the long range mountains, ice fish, or take a boat tour to catch your limit of Cod for supper.


video by Frank Greco, The Travel Guy

The Travel Guy is a production of TGTV Inc (Toronto). as well as “Gourmet Escapes” and other lifestyle programs and documentaries. Follow on instagram (thetravelguy1 and travelwithmeandde); become friends on Facebook (www.facebook.com/frank.greco.338); subscribe to the Youtube Channel (TGTV-Food or Frank Greco-The Travel Guy) for more episodes in the series. And gives us a like if you enjoy the episodes.

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