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Home / Taste / Food and Drink / Vodka Infused Christmas Tea Recipe

Vodka Infused Christmas Tea Recipe

photo by Stephen Uhraney


• 750 millilitres Zirkova together vodka

• 6 teaspoons of loose-leaf tea to 1/2 cup vodka or tea bags -take the tea out of the bags

• 1 tablespoon simple syrup


• Add tea to vodka and shake to combine. Steep for about 18 hours, or to taste. (taste every couple hours until you get the right flavour)

• Pour the mixture through a strainer and funnel into a different bottle.

• Discard the tea leaves.

• Add simple syrup to the remaining solution if desired.

• 1 tablespoon of simple syrup for 750 ml of vodka. Add it to the vodka and seal the bottle, then shake it for about 30 seconds. • Taste the vodka and add another tablespoon if you like. Shake again.

• Continue this process until the liqueur is to your personal taste.

• The tea-infused vodka will keep for a very long time in a sealed jar

• Serve straight, on the rocks or as a base for more complex cocktails.

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