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Home / Arts / The Flame of Life: Port Credit fire station and truck have a bold new look thanks to Anishinaabe artist

The Flame of Life: Port Credit fire station and truck have a bold new look thanks to Anishinaabe artist


MISSISSAUGA, Oct. 13, 2022 – Today, Mississauga Fire and Emergency Services (MFES) marked the 100th anniversary of Fire Prevention Week with a meaningful and visually stunning transformation of its bay doors at Station 104 in Port Credit, located within Treaty 22.

The artwork that appears on the bay doors and on the back doors of Pumper 104 was created by Emily Kewageshig, an Anishinaabe artist and visual storyteller from Saugeen First Nation No. 29. The artwork, titled The Flame of Life, is a digital illustration, printed on vinyl that includes two powerful images.

In Emily Kewageshig’s words, “Fire connects Anishinaabeg people, it symbolizes the power of renewal, rebirth, change, and survival. The connection that is created between us and the spiritual world is strengthened through fire teachings. Indigenous wellness is centred around the practice of our ceremonies and traditions which honours the use of sacred fires. As stewards of the land, we also recognize fire as supporting healthier regrowth for a more biodiverse ecosystem. As the flames burn, and the smoke rises up into the sky, we are reminded of the importance of revitalizing life.”

The artwork that appears on the bay doors of Port Credit fire Station 104 and on the back doors of Pumper 104 was created by Emily Kewageshig, an Anishinaabe artist and visual storyteller from Saugeen First Nation No. 29.

The City, working to reverse the erasure of Indigenous peoples, their history and culture in Mississauga, commissioned artist, Emily Kewageshig, to create this artwork along with an activation of the Moccasin Identifier Project.

“Mississauga is deeply committed to rebuilding and renewing our relationship with the Indigenous communities and advancing reconciliation in meaningful and measurable ways,” said Mayor Bonnie Crombie. “Through art, Mississauga residents can deepen their understanding of Indigenous peoples and the ways in which they continue to enrich our City. I want to thank Emily Kewageshig for her contributions to the Port Credit Fire Station as her artwork showcases Indigenous cultural traditions, and our Fire and Emergency Services team for making this collaboration a reality.”

As part of the celebration and unveiling of the artwork, attendees were encouraged to think about their own connection to fire and nature.

“Fire is an element that holds incredible significance to the members of the Indigenous community,” said Deryn Rizzi, Fire Chief and Director of Emergency Management. “I want to thank the Ontario Native Fire Fighters Society, the National Indigenous Fire Safety Council, Six Nations Fire & Emergency Services, the Indigenous Fire Marshal Service and the Aboriginal Firefighter Association of Canada for being here today and joining us to help unveil this significant piece of art.”

Today’s event and the artwork serve to provide residents with the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the role of fire and nature in Indigenous culture and learn more about how communities can continue to carry on traditions safely.

In addition, the City also reminds residents to prioritize fire prevention and safety in the community.

Chief Rizzi added, “In honour of Fire Prevention Week, the Mississauga Fire and Emergency Services team has been reminding residents to create fire escape plans and follow fire prevention tips. Fire prevention truly starts at home. Everyone, regardless of age, should be familiar with an escape plan. Make sure your plan also meets the needs of family members who may have sensory or physical disabilities. Safety always comes first.”

For more information about fire prevention, visit: www.mississauga.ca/services-and-programs/health-and-safety/fire-and-emergency-services/fire-safety-at-home/

SOURCE City of Mississauga

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