Scrumptious ice cream cookie video recipe from Chef Stephan Schulz
Video Recipe: Dressed Deco Cookie-Reeses-Vanillawich — An easy to make quick fun treat to cool one down on a hot day, or any day. This is a decadent treat that is so delicious for kids and adults. Who does not like the combination of cookies, ice-cream (I prefer to use French Vanilla in this recipe) and crumbled-up reeces pieces chocolate, just pile them on. You won’t be able to have just one, so make as many as you desire….MMMMMMMMMM!
Chef Stephan Schulz
Chef Stephan Schulz works across Canada with corporations and with food brokers developing recipes for major restaurants and restaurant chains. Follow Chef Schulz on instagram for his daily recipe and plated photo posts; ; scubscribe to “Chef Stephan Schulz” on youtube for great tasting video recipes…its free.