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Bubbly wines for the holidays - Believe or not, the holidays are just around the corner. In eights weeks or so, christmas and the new year's eve will be upon us. Office parties, celebrations with friends and loved ones and dinner parties are all in...
National Daiquiri Day-  Smack in the middle of summer on July 19th celebrate Daiquiri Day! This cool, refreshing concoction was actually created by an American mining engineer working in Cuba. When his supply of gin ran out he wanted to incorporate the local spirit, which was...
Vinho Verde - Few wines symbolize summer quite like Vinho Verde. These refreshing, young wines are fun, simple to drink and the perfect companion for the outdoors in the sun. They’re also quite affordable. The Vinho Verde selection at the SAQ is under $22 a...
[caption id="attachment_35390" align="alignleft" width="150"] Marco Giovanetti - mtltimes.ca[/caption] Rhône Valley's organic wine  - In the natural wine movement, France's Loire may be the holy grail of the revolution , but if you look down southeast to the country's other important river valley—the Rhône—, there are...
In the spirit of trying new things for 2017, on this week column, i will start talking about some pretty amazing wines from Macedonia in the Balkan regions. To help you warm up in the winter, two amazing scotch whisky reviews. Macedonia is home to...
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