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Home / Toronto / Toronto is getting ready for King Street Transit Pilot Project

Toronto is getting ready for King Street Transit Pilot Project


The King Street Transit Pilot project, between Bathurst and Jarvis streets, is scheduled to begin November 12th. The project wants to improve transit reliability, speed, and capacity of one of the busiest streets in the city. King Street is indeed the busiest surface transit route in Toronto, moving more than 65,000 riders on an average weekday.

But what is, exactly, the King Street Transit Pilot Project and what will it change?

Streetcar on King

The objective of the Pilot Project is to improve traffic flow on King by giving priority to streetcars and not allowing private vehicles through intersections instead.

Here are some other  key changes to expect as of November 12th on King Street :

  • Vehicles will not be allowed to drive through the Bathurst Street intersection.  At the intersection eastbound vehicles must turn left or right. Westbound vehicles must turn right.
  • Vehicles will not be allowed to drive through the Jarvis Street intersection. At the intersection westbound vehicles must turn left or right. Eastbound vehicles must turn right.
  • Streetcar stops will be changing as well, and will be moved to the far side of the intersection with protected passenger waiting areas in the curb lane.
  • There will be dedicated on street taxi spaces for passenger pick-up/standing.
  • At some intersections, there will be an advanced right turn green arrow for vehicles.
  • There is no on-street parking in the pilot area (from Bathurst to Jarvis). Parking will be available on some side streets and in parking lots and garages near King Street.

The complete King Street Pilot Project Brochure is available for downloaded here

What to expect 

Police will monitor key intersections on King Street for the first two weeks to educate drivers and enforce the new rules. Torontonians are advised to be careful while circulating in the project area at the beginning, due to those many changes.

The pilot project is meant to last for a year. During that time, the city will look at the impact on traffic, businesses, and streetcar speed, and will re- evaluate the project’s success.

King Street Project


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