Watch Toronto tree lighting: Mayor Tory lights gigantic Christmas tree at Nathan Phillips Square
Mayor Tory lights gigantic Nathan Phillips Square Christmas tree — If the snow wasn’t enough, the holiday season is officially here in Toronto now that Mayor John Tory has switched on the gigantic 60-foot Christmas tree on Nathan Phillips Square at City Hall. The tree and the lights on the Square will be lit for the season and into part of 2021.
“The City’s 54-year tradition of tree lighting on Nathan Phillips Square looked a little different this year with a video countdown. But that doesn’t take away from these special moments that make our city so remarkable during the holiday season,” said Mayor Tory.
“We won’t let COVID-19 stop us from celebrating the holidays – even if we have to do things differently this year. We are working to stop the spread of COVID-19 now so that we can safely gather again to light the Christmas tree together,” said Tory.
The City’s 54th annual tree lighting was quietly filmed in advance this year to comply with public health guidelines and avoid large crowds gathering on the Square. But the City has shared the tree lighting (above) via their YouTube Channel.
In previous years, the Mayor lit the tree during Toronto’s traditional Cavalcade of Lights. With this year’s Cavalcade of Lights cancelled due to COVID-19, it was decided to share the tree lighting ceremony with residents virtually .
Although residents should stay home as much as possible, if you make your way to Nathan Phillips Square to admire and experience the lights, the City advises that you please do so safely. The City asks that people only visit the square with members of their household, wear a mask or face covering and keep six feet apart from others not in your household.
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